chapter 18

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Third person's POV

While the teens are going to school, the others starts to take up their previous or new hobby to pass the time.

Arthur continues his research on muggle inventions. He managed to tweak a coffee machine to make any type of beverage and a mirror that can be used like a phone. All of this are patent and sold to the wizarding world in America and Asia. It was a huge hit and production became bigger and bigger that Arthur manage to open a company all by himself, with a little help from Sirius as well.

Bill worked with the twins to manage their store and so far he has been able to open a few branches here in New York and Las Vegas. It seems that the twins products are very inventive and innovative here in America. Soon, he'll be able to open a store in Los Angeles and Hollywood as well.

Charlie continues his passion for animals by working in animal shelter in the magical world. The shelter is called 'The Home' and shelters many magical and endangered species of magical creatures. With his experience as a dragon caretaker in Romania, Charlie was hired immediately and was sent to worked with the dragon and wolf cubs that have lost their mother's. Overall, he's having fun all day.

Severus continues his research on potions and made many extraordinary masterpiece. His main goal was to make a potion that would help werewolf feral sides connect  with their human side so that they can communicate with each other. It took a while, having to research about it a few years before the war and the effects of wolfsbane, but he succeeded. He manage to cure the feral side by letting the wolf's and human side bond together rather than them being a whole separate identity.

He tested it out and when it passed, he sent it to the American magical potion society to be passed. He did request that his identity was kept secret. In return, he would let the recipe be spread throughout the magical society. Now, werewolves are able to work and have less volatile transformation.

Lucius continued his duty as the head of the Malfoy family. Many of his relatives did ask where they are but he manage to make an excuse, telling them that they wish to be away from the public eye after the war. He did, however, continued his passion for fashion and created a fashion line with Narcissa. Together with his wife, they opened a clothing store in the muggle and magical world.

Gellert and Marvolo decided to continue their study on magic, specifically ritual and rune magic. They did promise not to do anything drastic. Still, they eventually manage to trace back ancient rituals that were done in ancient times. They also research about the problems of inbreeding, tracing back their family trees and the problems it caused.

They publish everything in articles and books and it was recognised many people in Asia, America and other parts of of Europe.
There are a few people that claimed that it was misinformation, that it was fake but there was shown proof and the comments were shut down immediately.

Xeno, Luna's father continues his hunt for otherworldly creatures. He travelled a lot while his daughter was at school.  He did manage to spot a kitsune in one of the rocky mountains in Japan on one of his trip. He looked around for it's mother and spotted her dead just a few metres away from her cub. He brought it back and took care of it. Now, it is named snow and lives with the family.

Percy, however has a very peculiar hobby to do ........

"Are you sure you want to do this, Percy?" Arthur asked for the 15th time. "Yes, dad. I do. It worked for the Pharaoh's and royalty's in the past. Why can't it work now?" Percy had been researching the soulmate bond ever since Harry told them about Edward and himself being soulmates to each other.

He joined in with Gellert and Marvolo in their research and found a ritual that can help pull you to your soulmate. Of course, you have to have a soulmate for it to work. Luckily, he asked Harry about it and he said that all of them have a soulmate with Lucius and Narcissa as well as Sirius and Remus being each other's soulmate.

Marvolo, Percy, Neville, Luna and Severus decided to do it together with him. Arthur joined in as well to make sure that nothing else happens. Together, they chanted the spell 3 times for it to work.

mynda þetta tengsl úr ösku í ryk,
finna helminginn sem var einu sinni týndur,
megi hjörtu okkar vera tengd og sálir okkar vera samtvinnuð,
því að í kvöld verður síðasta einmanakvöldið okkar.

(form this bond from ashes to dust,
find the half that was once lost,
may our hearts be connected and our souls be intertwined,
for tonight will be our last lonely night.)

"Hold on, what if our soulmate is in a relationship?" Neville questioned but it was already too late. A portal opened up from under us, all in different places. We fell in. The group disappeared into the night.

If only I listened to dad......

(I'm working with google translate. So, sorry if the Icelandic language is wrong)

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