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'Roses from heaven'

Third person POV:

The Sunday afternoon was filled with hustling and bustling of merchants, and commoners, some were selling garments, some jewellery made up of precious stones. Few opened stalls for food, and wine while heartily enjoying the unfolding drama in the weekly market held at a distant village.

Many were just pretending to buy stuff while ogling at the young ladies, while the ladies of the village took extra care to make themselves appear a bit ladylike. Their only motive was to hopefully get married to some handsome young fella that might be at least decent.

There were some folks who were greedily salivating over the fresh and pale skin of young ladies.

"Flowers! Sweet O' Roses!
Give the ladies sweet red roses!"

A cheerful yet quite rough voice yelled from the crowd, but none paid any heed to her wails.

"Roses! Roses! Oh boy, give her roses!"
She sang while forwarding a pretty red rose to a grumpy man who instantly darted his fierce menacing eyes at her.

"Who do you call a boy?" He seethed, marching towards her.

"Gentleman.. pardon me. I didn't intend-"

"Shoo away or I'll sniff you instead of those roses."

"Aye!" She retorted but instantly fled away when he charged forward.
With some twists and turns inside the busy market, she easily distracted that grumpy old man.

Phew! What a day!
She thought and looked back only to break out in sweats when she saw a glimpse of the crazy man following closely behind her.
She fastened her pace, turning sharp corners, jumping down a few blocks, and finally she managed to lose her way.

Looking through crooks, and allies, she kept walking until she saw the dusty track .

She sighed in relief.

But at the same time, she kicked the pebbles, wondering about any way to somehow provide for dinner. Going back to the market would only mean she will be crushed by that giant ball of hairy creatures. Her pockets were empty, and so was her stomach. Her sister will probably be waiting eagerly for her to bring anything to eat.

After their parents' death, they only had each other. Although, she was only fifteen back then, and her sister was just five years old. So many accidents, incidents came by like a gust of wind in their life. She failed, she learned and she rose again, learning to tackle every bit of hardship that life threw on.

With a heavy heart, she glanced at the huge bouquet of wilting roses that no one had any interest in buying.
Why would they even buy roses for the lady when the ladies were throwing themselves on the arms of gentleman like that snarly beast!

It was a total waste!

But she had to sell the roses anyhow, if she wants to fill her stomach. But really, she would go on for weeks, starving but it was for only her little sister that she's trying so hard to make at least few silver coins.

She was hoping to get at least fifteen silver coins for the roses but turns out she wasted all her efforts.

Not entirely, though.

It was true, she made efforts --- into sneaking into the castle and stealing the roses from the royal garden.

Every week she'd get hands on something from the royal garden and sell it to the market.
Sometimes vegetables, fruits, woods and even seeds. But she innocently thought that roses would be sold out higher than any other things, but it turned out that not everyone in the village was as romantic as her.


The sound of carriage wheels grabbed her attention, she immediately made ways for the noble by sticking like a lizard to a nearby tree trunk.

As the carriage went past she gasped out loud. She never had closely seen anything spectacular and gorgeous like the royal carriage.

She was lost in her own thoughts, dreaming about the royal princess sitting inside that luxurious carriage.

"Aye! Miss!"

She screeched when she heard loud yells from ahead of her. When her eyes landed on the huge carriage halted at a distance, her eyeballs nearly fell out of its sockets , and were swept away by the hawks. Beside the carriage, a cat grumpy man was waving hands frantically. She couldn't grasp the fact that it was in fact not a dream.

"Come over here, young lass."
The man yelled again and even gestured with his hands.

Like a bucket of ice splashed on her head, she ran towards the shiny carriage, grinning from ear to ear.

"How much for the roses?"
The coachman immediately asked not even letting the poor girl a chance to take a breath.

Perplexed at the man's said words, she stood like a statue.

"Are you deaf? I asked, how much?"
The man said, now annoyed.

"Ah! Uhm.. it's.. one silver per rose!"

"We'll take it. Hurry up!"

"How many?" She asked in excitement, separating beforehand.

A voice deeper than the ocean, magnificent as its wave responded.
That one word was enough to send her soul out to heaven and back to earth. She gulped, not daring to defy the authoritative figure inside the carriage. Her hands shook as she accepted the fair trade and gave all the roses to the sweaty old man.

Although the curtains were drawn and there was no way to peek inside or to know their identity. Regardless, she instantly knew he must be no ordinary person.

"Do you sell roses everyday?"
Again, the voice is as gentle as a breeze yet full of fury. The authoritative tone added an extra layer to the voice of that gentleman, that she has no choice but to oblige to the voice.

"No sire, not at all."
She truthfully replied, and without a delay he again added,
"Too bad. I was hoping to make a deal out of you."

The hint of amusement laced in his tone came out as a mockery, and it didn't get unnoticed by the young business minded lady.

"Certainly, you wouldn't hit a bullseye by a mere withering rose."

"Oh! Feisty, I see. But, I wasn't trying to make anything out of your roses either. It's a simple trade. You give me roses, and I, treasure."

She thought for a while.
A rose won't be a burden for her, she can certainly pluck them out from any corner of the land. There were a bunch of wild roses anyway. And she and her sister both can at least sleep without a hungry stomach.. More than that, even if her stomach sticks to the ribs, even if her glands dry up, throat shrinks, she can sacrifice her needs in return for her sister's education.

She wants to make her sister, a noble lady...educated, elegant and extraordinary..

"If it's roses then fine.. I'll bring them for you nearby the market, and you shall make my payment ready."

"Good... But..." He trailed off and she started fidgeting in anticipation. The stranger noble man certainly knows how to edge someone. After a bit of silence, the man finally added, strictly.
"..make sure to bring only this kind of roses. Not any other."

The man's words strike her head like a thunderbolt, shattering her
la la land. But, before she could react to it, the carriage was gone, leaving her in a state of worrisome and distress.

The roses from the royal garden..
Was it one of a kind?

She thought frowning at the strange request of the unknown and mysterious fellow..



Not edited!

Don't be surprised..
I already warned you.
Don't worry it'll all make sense by the end.

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