In Your Arms

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Ghost/Devin's POV

I woke up a little later than usual noticing Ricky was wriggling by my side. Oh shit. Did we sleep together last night? Apparently because I was in the room Chris let him sleep in last night. I got and dressed myself hoping no one would see us, I like Ricky, I really do but I don't want anyone else to know, neither of us want the drama. I quickly left and closed the door, I felt bad for doing so because of all he's been through the past two and nearly a half months but it's for the best. It was not before too long he woke up coming down stairs rubbing his eyes wearing a pair of black pair of pajama pants with skulls on them and a oversized black tank top with pins in it. God was he so cute, gay I know. Ricky just looked at me for a second with a quixotic look on his face.

Ricky's POV

I woke up from under the warm blankets realizing Ghost was gone, but his clothes were by the side of the bed. Oh my fuckin god.....did we sleep together? I blushed at the thought then shook it off and headed down stairs, I crept down the stairs and saw Ghost and Ryan watching some horror movie and decided to join them, I love a good horror movie," hey what movie are you guys watching?," I asked plopping down on the couch between Ryan and Ghost. " Oh dude we don't even know we just put something that looked somewhat interesting," Ryan admitted. To be honest I was not really paying attention to the movie, but Ghost just taking in every part of him. Guess I forgot to tell you guys something kinda important, well I am bisexual, though I have never been with a guy, they intrigued me. I felt myself blush as I Ghost looked at me, fuck I think he noticed.

" Home," Balz hollered carrying a couple boxes of doughnuts in his hands. "I decided to go get some breakfast for us, also they are fresh," he said setting them on the table. Within seconds everyone else showed up and snatched up nearly half doughnuts," is someone pregnant," Ryan teased Chris who had the most doughnuts. "No," he crossed his arms. There was one thing I was wondering, Ash I mean she's not here or anything ever so why now? Chris explained things and we have a show today with them and he decided to bring her over just to hang out. She was nice, that's for sure very comforting too, and she seemed to really like Chris, always by his side, which is fair because she knows him the best. I was scared to perform again, I always am being the fuck up I am ruining shit constantly but now we will have two sets of fans watching us, it was tense. Ghost looked over to me noticing how anxious I was," hey it's going to be okay," he said rubbing my back. Damn, that felt pretty good not even going to lie. As we finished up breakfast we got ready and prepared to perform yet another show. I could tell that Chris was quite anxious so I walked over to him," hey what's wrong dude," I asked trying to place a hand on his shoulder, but I'm a short ass bitch. " What if I fuck up in front of Ash and her band and the crowd like fuck it'll all be over and.... I don't want to fuck up in front of her," he said the last part in a trembling voice, very unusual for Chris. " You practiced your part right? Everything will be fine," I said making less tense. As soon as Chris walked off to see Ghost nearly on me.

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