Getting It All Out

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Vinny's POV
After we finished the show Chris bowed and thanked the audience one last time and then we headed backstage, no autographs or anything this time. We just chilled sitting down together, despite it being night it was hot as the third level of hell. Chris was on the floor drinking water when suddenly Ash came up to him," hey Chris we totally killed that song especially you, you were phenomenal," Ash praised him then crouched down beside him. Chris's face got red and his eyes wide with shock, he almost spit his water out," oh uh- thank rbht you did way better," Chris smiled. " Oh your so humble, Chris," Ash sighed. Chris sat there with a smol smile with black lipstick looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. It was obvious that Chris liked Ash he gets all jittery and flustered every time he sees her," hey to celebrate, party at the condo I'm staying at," Ash stood up energetically while cheering. That made everyone happy. " Meet up mine in an hour," she smiled heading to her car. I just watched Chris sit there slowly turning his hair in his finger with an amused sigh as she left when suddenly decided it was time for our chat.

Ricky kept talking about why he went to the hospital and what drove him to that point, but what struck me was the last part," Ghost said that.... he's in love with me, and I think that I am in love with him," he was blushing hard. " What," I asked. " Yeah and we are....well you know," he trailed off. I was shocked," wow Ricky, I'm really proud of you and that amazing congratulations! I hope it goes well and you know if you need any help just let me know and I'll try my best, but as you know I have been single my whole life so I don't know how much of a use I'll end up being," I reassured him and gave him a nice pat on the back. " Thanks Vin, you are a great friend," he smiled and returned the pat on the back that I gave him. " Now come on we don't want to be late to Ash's party now do we," he asked in a raised voice is while cocking an eyebrow as we approached Chris. " Definitely not," I smirked.

Sorry for the short chapter 😭

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