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⚠️Sensitive content in this chapter. Content includes, topics of blood, gore, and some violence. Also includes some use of strong language.⚠️

The world now knows I am still alive. Thanks to Zewu Jun who told Jin Guangyao, who then told his father Jin Guangshan, who then told everyone else. I may be confined at Baoshan's mountain, but she has ways of seeing things that many people don't even understand. Lan Zhan and I were with her in a big room. A'Yuan was sitting on Baoshan's lap as he took a very deep liking to her, I couldn't blame him, Baoshan was a very nice woman; very motherly too.

In this room we were in, it was enchanted. There was a large platform and in the center, with some spiritual energy, she can use it to look anywhere she wanted in the world. This platform looked like ice but it was crystal. She said it was a crystal that formed from earth thousands of years ago. When she came across it, she long had kept it protected and used it for her benefit in return.

"What exactly are we going to see?" I asked.

"This is also a portal, not just a way to see things," she said, "you two, and A'Yuan, stay here while I go pay someone a visit."

Baoshan handed A'Yuan to me who was now sitting on my lap, "who are you visiting?" I asked.

"Someone who has something of yours and you need it back," she said, "if it's too much for the little one, just take him out of the room for a moment. I shall return soon. Enjoy the show," she smiled and stepped through the portal.

I looked at Lan Zhan who shrugged and then we both turned to watch what she was about to do... "is that?" I questioned.

"Lotus Pier," Lan Zhan said finishing my sentence."

"She is actually going to go and get my golden core from Jiang Cheng?" I asked.

"This will be interesting," Lan Zhan said.

Baoshan entered the main thrown room and Jiang Cheng was right there in the lotus chair, talking to some disciples. One of them was holding a baby and they were standing awfully close to Jiang Cheng, "is that him?" I asked.

"Who?" Lan Zhan asked. I didn't answer, "Wei Ying?"

I set A'Yuan down on the ground and then sat down. I never got the opportunity to see Shijie's baby. That was him there by Jiang Cheng. Of course he would take care of the baby now that Shijie was gone. I saw Lan Zhan in my peripherals kneeling beside me, "it's not your fault, you know that," he said.

I looked at him, "I never met Shijie's baby...he is an orphan now because of everything that happened...he was young then me when I lost my parents. Being that I grew up in Lotus Pier after a few years on the streets, I know what it's like being bullied about not having any parents."

"Believe it or not, I was bullied too for my parents," Lan Zhan said, "no one ever really made fun of my brother but when it came to me, others would talk. The bullying rule came about because I was hurt pretty bad one day and it nearly killed me."

I was shocked, "can I ask what happened?"

"I was just old enough to start sword training. A couple older kids who bullied me took the opportunity to use sparring swords to fight me. I was no where near ready and Shufu came to watch halfway through training. I was bloody and exhausted. I had cuts on my arms and legs. I had a gash on my forehead. The kids were laughing saying that I was a freak and I will end up like my father. Deadbeat and alone," he explained, "Shufu was furious with the instructor for allowing it to happen and I was taken to the infirmary. Due to the blood loss and some infections I got from the wounds, I got very sick. Since then, the bullying rule came to be and I had someone with me at all times until I was old enough to defend myself properly."

"I'm sorry that happened to you," I said, "I never thought something like that would happen to you...before even meeting you, I have always heard great stories about you and your brother. Hearing that, it's actually very surprising."

"I grew up from it and learned from it," Lan Zhan said, "Jin Ling will do the same. He is a Jin, and they are pretty arrogant people. He also has Jiang Cheng for an Uncle, he is bound to have someone to help him."

"Or Jiang Cheng will bully the kid himself into being strong and a little brat," I said, "by the way, Jin Ling...that's his name? I know his courtesy but I never got his birth name."

"I got his birth name but not his courtesy," Lan Zhan said, "what is it?"

I grinned, "Rulan," I answered.

He stared at me wide eyed for a moment before speaking, "you came up with it?" He asked. I saw a little smile creep on his face. He seemed to pick up what I was doing with the name.

"She asked me to," I said, "Jiang Cheng argued against it but he agreed that I could pick it. Shijie actually liked the name."

"It's a good name," Lan Zhan said.

"What do you mean you are taking my core?!" I heard Jiang Cheng yell through the portal.

"My grandson lied to you. I did not fix you, it was Wen Qing who cut my grandson open and transferred his golden core to you. You know he is still alive and I am here to take back what is his. You tried to kill him after all," Baoshan said.

"You will have to fight me for it, if he is alive, he can live without it," Jiang Cheng spat standing up from the thrown.

"Wrong choice of words," I mumbled.

I then watched as Baoshan snapped her fingers and everyone in the room froze in place. She then walked right up to Jiang Cheng and opened his robes. She pulled out a blade and she actually started to cut him open, "you will know exactly what my grandson endured for you. No pain medicine, no anesthesia...two nights and a day...I could take my precious time but I've done this a good amount of times to know how to do this with my eyes closed. Hold tight, this might only hurt...a lot," she told him. I watched as Jiang Cheng screamed in agony as Baoshan cut him open and took the core right out of him. She closed him back up and with another snap of her fingers, everyone could move again and Baoshan disappeared from Lotus Pier, "enjoy your new coreless life," you could hear her voice say to him after she left.

Jiang Cheng looked pale, but I couldn't say he didn't deserve that. He felt everything I did. When Baoshan returned, I watched her place the glowing golden core in a container and sent some spiritual energy over to it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Cleansing it," she said, "you don't want it impure of his evil deeds do you?"

I giggled, "no...and that was impressive."

"We will now have to watch what he does as he will know exactly how you felt," she said, "you won't be in as much pain when I give this back to you, but you do need to heal and cleanse your body before I do that. I have a place for you to do that.

"I will do as you ask," I said. This was the first of many of the things I will do for my road for vengeance and revenge. Watching Jiang Cheng like that makes me happy actually. He will now live as I did from now on. Let's see you defend Lotus Pier now...and yes I will do something about Shijie's baby. Jiang Cheng isn't strong enough to protect him anymore. I will have to do something about that.

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