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"I was wondering when you two would come to me for this," Baoshan said with a grin on her face.

"You were waiting?" I asked.

"Yes," Baoshan replied, "and I will help you with marrying...it will also be beneficial to you A'Ying when you start cultivating again."

"Why?" I asked.

"Do not tell me through all your years of studying cultivation you haven't learned of Dual Cultivation yet?" She said.

"Dual Cultivation?" I asked.

"Dual cultivation is exchanging or passing spiritual energy to someone through sexual relations," Wangji explained.

"How does a Lan know this?" Baoshan asked.

"I studied a lot growing up. Most recently when it came to helping someone who was struggling in spiritual energy...but the only way it will work is of not only the partner is willing but also there is a connection between the two. Meaning they need to have a love for each other and trust each other. There is more to it but that is the gist of it," Wangji answered.

"So we need to have a soul bond or something?" I asked.

"The soul bond is created through the same way," Baoshan said, "but I want to test you both as there is another way to test the bond between you two."

"Okay," I said.

"You and Wangji just need to stand in that crystal," she said and took us back to that room.

Lan Zhan and I stood in the center and after a moment, it glowed a bright white, "what does this mean?" I asked.

"You two are fated," she said happily, "meaning you have a bond in every lifetime together. No matter the body, your souls will always find a way back to each other."

I looked at Lan Zhan, "So he and I are meant to be together?"

"That is correct," she said, "and now all you two need is to finalize your bond. You are just about healed so you will have your core back in a few days. Once you have your core back, you two can marry and then the dual cultivation will help you get the rest of your strength back. No need to worry about draining Wangji of his energy either. It is also a way to not only heal but restore your energy. Plus you can feel good and love each other at the same time."

"I do want to make sure Wei Ying is wanting to do that step," Lan Zhan said, "I am okay with it but it would be nice to have consent. I don't want him to think he has to do this right now."

"Of course," Baoshan said.

"I am not sure if I am ready for that step yet but I am not against it...it is just...new," I said.

"Is Wei Ying shy?" Lan Zhan asked, "I think you are beautiful as it is if that is what you worry about."

"I am not shy...it's just that I can be insecure," I said, "I have scars that I find very painful to even look at."

"You are attractive, Wei Ying, no matter what," Lan Zhan said, "even if you were a female, I'd accept you."

I blinked, "would you prefer that I was a female?" I asked.

"I would prefer you as is, but if you were to be a woman, I will still love you," he said.

"You two technically have a baby to take care of," Baoshan said as she referred to A'Yuan, "but if you want more children, I can help with that too...you can take something to help you conceive."

"I think A'Yuan is fine for now," I said with a giggle, "and he is technically our son."

"He is," Lan Zhan said, "I look forward to seeing him grow up with us."

"Even if I don't ever clear my name, as long as I have you, A'Yuan and Wai Po, I think I will be okay," I said.

Lan Zhan is my soulmate and we are fated. It did make sense in a way, mostly because we tend to always be bouncing off each other all the time. We always want to be by each other and it's hard to stay away. I just felt that it was too soon for all this. I was okay with exploring everything with Lan Zhan but I just didn't feel ready. We only just confessed to each other and now we are talking about marriage and sex here.

"Um, I am going to go outside for some fresh air," I said and left the room very quickly.

I found a nice large wisteria tree and hopped up onto one of the large branches. I relaxed there for a while. I always felt better up in trees. I felt safe in them and nothing could ever get me up here. The air felt better and I felt as if my mind was more free and relaxed enough to think. Shijie always worried when I was up in a tree, but that was because I fell out of one just one time and hurt my leg. I was young of course but I still climbed trees because I just liked being in them.

As I sat in that tree, I heard chirping not far from me. There was a small nest and two magpies were perched beside it. It is said that the magpie is a bird of joy and a good omen who often brings married bliss or heralds good news or the arrival of a guest. "Two magpies" is pronounced in the same way as "two happinesses" so a painting of two magpies is a metaphor for double happiness and is often given as a way of expressing congratulations particularly for a wedding.

I chuckled and found it ironic. The universe is really trying to push me, "I see what you're doing universe," I mumbled, "I know what you expect from us but I am not sure I am ready."

"We don't need to rush anything," I suddenly heard Lan Zhan say from the ground.

I looked down, "it's nothing but my head spinning," I said.

I heard him sigh before he climbed up to sit down across from me on the branch, "Wei Ying, marriage and consummation are a huge deal. If you are not ready I am okay with waiting," he said.

"I am just unsure," I said, "I want to but the way Wai Po was saying everything made it seem as if I had to at some point."

"You don't have to do anything you don't want to do," he told me, "and as I said, I can wait. All I want is for you to be happy, and I hope that I can be part of your happiness."

"Lan Zhan, you make me happy, but I am just dealing with some things still," I said, "I am still trying to get over what happened at Nightless City and the fact that I am still alive."

He gently held onto my face, "I want you to grieve and mourn. It takes more than a few days to get over all that. We can marry when you are ready. Baoshan knows we are going to someday, but we can take our time."

I nodded, "I know."

"Why are you up here anyway?" He asked as he let me go.

"I just like being in trees," I answered, "it may seem strange but I get a sense of security and clarity up here."

"It has a lot to do with how you grew up, doesn't it?" He said.

"I suppose," I replied.

"You could get hurt if you fall you know," he says.

I chuckled, "I know," I said, "I only got hurt once and I was very young back then. I still enjoy climbing regardless."

He nodded, "are you feeling better?" He asked.

"Yes," I nodded.

"I am glad," he said.

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