Little Wei Ying

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Lan Zhan moved to his knees as his crouching position was starting to hurt his legs. His one hand that is on Wei Ying's shoulder has stopped rubbing circles while the other hand is still holding Wei Ying's afraid he would dig his nails back into his palm. Wei Ying was fully in headspace now, his eyes were wide and held a child-like innocence to them. His fingers were still in his mouth drool all over them now as he simply stared into nothing. Was Wei Ying a non-verbal little or was he just that young in headspace he didn't know how to talk?

"Wei Ying putting your fingers in your mouth is not sanitary, would you like something to chew on instead?" Lan Zhan offers him itching to take Wei Ying's fingers out of his mouth but holding back not wanting to scare him or make him come out of his headspace.

By surprise though Wei Ying takes his fingers out of his mouth and looks at Lan Zhan with wide eyes before nodding his head slowly in a more hesitant yes than an outright yes. Lan Zhan smiles at him getting up to grab a chew ring for Wei Ying knowing he had some chews in the library for teething littles. The minute he gets up though, Wei Ying's eyes follow him and a whimper comes from his mouth. Lan Zhan looks down at him one hand still holding Wei Ying's whose hand is wrapped around his. Lan Zhan studies Wei Ying's face seeing how terrified he looks but trying not to show it. His grey eyes are glossy again and Lan Zhan can see tears starting to form in them. Lan Zhan's eyes soften at Wei Ying crouching back down so Wei Ying doesn't hurt his neck looking up at him. He can see him visibly relax again but the fear is still swirling in his eyes. Wei Ying is nibbling on his bottom lip quite harshly, a clear sign he wants to say something but is holding himself back. It breaks Lan Zhan's heart to see that even in little space Wei Ying is holding himself back. 

"Wei Ying," Lan Zhan asks his voice soft and soothing not wanting to get the little one upset more than he already is.

"L-leave...leave Wei Ying?" Wei Ying says ever so softly Lan Zhan barely hears it his heart only breaking more.

"No Wei Ying I'm not leaving you. I was just going to get a chew ring for you to nibble on instead of your fingers. Lan Zhan will never leave Wei Ying alone without telling him," Lan Zhan reassures the little whose tears have slipped down the corners of his face and trailed down his smooth pale skin.  

Lan Zhan reaches out and gently wipes the tears away with his thumb cupping the side of Wei Ying's face his thumb rubbing over his soft cheek to comfort the boy. Wei Ying takes his fingers and puts them back into his mouth nibbling on them quite noticeably now looking at Lan Zhan anxiously like he will just get up and walk away leaving Wei Ying alone in his headspace. Lan Zhan's stomach makes an upset noise at the very thought of leaving a little by themselves, leaving Wei Ying by himself. He can worry about the signs later, right now he needs to get a chew ring for Wei Ying before he injures his fingers. Knowing he can't just leave even if he is still in the library Lan Zhan decides bringing Wei Ying is the best option for the both of them.

"Wei Ying can come with Lan Zhan to get a new chew ring okay? He can even pick one out he likes. Would you like that Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan asks Wei Ying gently taking his fingers out of his mouth and discreetly inspecting them.

They aren't bleeding which is good but there are teeth marks deep enough for Lan Zhan's unliking. Wei Ying oblivious to what Lan Zhan is doing nods his head getting up from his spot for the first time since he came into the library. Lan Zhan gets up as well helping Wei Ying walk around the table so he doesn't bump into the corner and hurt himself more or spill the ink. Wei Ying no longer pouting lets Lan Zhan guide him around the table and over to him a cute bunny smile on his face looking up at Lan Zhan who has a few inches on him. Lan Zhan gives Wei Ying a soft smile and nods walking over to the box of chew rings on one of the shelves. Wei Ying walks beside him holding his hand with a small smile on his face. It's probably the first real smile Lan Zhan has seen on Wei Ying. They make their way to the box Lan Zhan grabs it and holds it out for Wei Ying to choose a ring of his please. Wei Ying becomes shy shuffling closer to Lan Zhan's side like the box would hurt him a tinted pink on his cheeks. Lan Zhan doesn't rush him or get mad at him knowing this must be really nerve-wracking for him. After a few more seconds of Wei Ying looking at the box making sure it wouldn't hurt him he shyly reached out and took out a red teething ring before bringing his hand back close to his body. He looks at the ring for a few seconds before looking up at Lan Zhan silently asking if he made the right choice.

"Perfect choice Wei Ying," Lan Zhan reassures him giving a soft smile.

Wei Ying hides his face in Lan Zhan's shoulder, the ring close to his chest. It's the most expressive thing Wei Ying has done since he slipped into little space. It absolutely tugs on Lan Zhan's heartstrings and he finds himself smiling even bigger because of the little. He looks down at Wei Ying who is still hiding and shying away but Lan Zhan spots the red teething ring in his mouth. All Lan Zhan can do is stand there and be whatever this is for Wei Ying.

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