Gone Too Soon

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After a few minutes of Lan Zhan standing there giving Wei Ying the comfort and stability he needs he decides to move back over to his spot so they can sit down. Lan Zhan looks down at Wei Ying who looks a lot more relaxed mindlessly chewing on the ring drool sadly still on his hand. Lan Zhan much rather have that than Wei Ying biting his fingers and getting sick from them. Taking a risk, Lan Zhan brings his hand up to Wei Ying's hair and slowly strokes it watching to see if there is any discomfort or if Wei Ying would shy away. Once again taken by surprise Wei Ying leans into Lan Zhan's touch closing his eyes and letting Lan Zhan gently comb his fingers through his long black hair. Lan Zhan has to bring Wei Ying closer to him so he doesn't fall backward seeing him sway side to side a little.

"Wei Ying why don't we sit down again so you don't get hurt. Lan Zhan will comb your hair for you okay?" Lan Zhan says to Wei Ying looking at him with a soft smile.

Wei Ying nods his head not saying anything too preoccupied with his new toy. Wei Ying slips his hand into Lan Zhan's again waiting for him to move so he could follow him. Lan Zhan walks back to the place he was before but this time with Wei Ying in tow. He sits down in his spot before helping Wei Ying to sit in front of him so he can comb his long hair. Wei Ying gives a happy hum behind the teething ring, closing his eyes and relaxing against Lan Zhan's touch. To some people, it wouldn't be a big deal but to Lan Zhan, it speaks volumes. To a caregiver even more that a little trust him enough to relax in their presence. When someone is in headspace they are very vulnerable and sensitive; they trust whoever is looking after them will care and protect them. Wei Ying isn't just some little though, he is special so letting Lan Zhan care for him and trust him enough that he relaxes speaks volumes and Lan Zhan will be damned if he messes it up. He gently runs his fingers through Wei Ying's long black hair making sure to be extra careful. If he comes across any knots he stops combing and spends a few minutes untangling it before combing through that same spot again a little gentler than before. 

"Wei Ying has beautiful long hair," Lan Zhan comments to Wei Ying looking at him who looks like he is about to fall asleep.

Wei Ying must really trust Lan Zhan for him to be able to fall asleep right there. There are light footsteps that come near the library and La Zhan is too stunned to speak to understand what just happened. In a blur of black and red Wei Ying gets up from his spot and races over to his own desk quickly picking up his brush and diving back into writing down the scrolls. The teething ring is hidden in his belt and out of sight. Lan Zhan can physically feel pain seeing Wei Ying tear himself out of his headspace in a second and definitely not in a safe way. Why though Lan Zhan is confused about. Just then the library doors open and in comes Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli. Lan Zhan gets up to greet them looking at Wei Ying for a second to give him some time to come out of little space before talking to his siblings.

Master Cheng, Madam Yanli it's good to see you here, what can I do for you," Lan Zhan says bowing to them politely like he's been taught for many years.

Jiang Yanli looks over at Wei Ying her eyes narrowed like she is trying to find something. Lan Zhan looks at him as well seeing him visibly shaking, his face pale and a layer of sweat on his face. How much Lan Zhan just wants to go over and hug him and tell him he's okay. He can't though because Wei Ying's family is here. Besides, Jiang Yanli is a caregiver so she could care for Wei Ying. Still, something unsettling is turning in Lan Zhan's stomach and he doesn't like it. He must talk to his brother about it and look more into Wei Ying's situation. Jiang Cheng strolls past Lan Zhan and walks over to Wei Ying pulling him up from his arm harshly. It's not like Lan Zhan who gently helped him up around the table so he won't get hurt. No Jiang Cheng grips Wei Ying's arm and practically drags him over to them. Lan Zhan looks at Wei Ying but his head is down not making any eye contact with the caregiver.

"We will be going now, Master Zhan. Thank you for staying here with our bother, he will get out of your way and stop troubling you," Jiang Yanli says her voice sharp bowing to him before turning and walking away with her brother who is practically pushing Wei Ying out from him.

Lan Zhan just watches the three of them leave the library shocked at what he's seeing. He doesn't like the picture that is forming in his head and really needs to talk to his brother. Taking one last look at where Wei Ying sat a few seconds ago he leaves the library and goes to find his brother Lan Xichen to talk about the Yunmeng Jiang Sect. With swift steps, he goes to where his brother is most of the time which is in the main mansion. His brother is sitting down looking over some documents of new students that are coming next week. He doesn't have to look up to know his brother is there.

"Wangji what can I do for you today?" Lan Xichen smiles looking up at his brother with a soft smile.

"Zewu-Jun...Wei Ying is a little," Lan Zhan says to his brother sitting down with his sword propped up against the table his brother pouring him some tea.

Lan Xichen sits there for a moment taking the information in his ears ringing. Wei Ying is a little? No that can't be right...because if that's true...oh god this is not good one bit. Lan Zhan is watching his brother read his expression like a book. Something happened or he knows something and it doesn't seem good. If Lan Zhan is as smart as he is that means Wei Ying was subjected to a punishment that wasn't allowed for littles. He looks up at his brother who looks a little paler but still composing himself.

"Brother...I think something is going on in the Jiang Sect and I'm concerned about Wei Ying and his safety," Lan Zhan expresses to his brother showing more emotions than he's shown in his whole life. 

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