Behind Closed Doors

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The minute Wei Ying was away from unwanted eyes Jiang Cheng tightened his grip on Wei Ying's shoulder no doubt leaving a bruise. He doesn't fuss or make a noise because he already knows how much trouble he's in. He doesn't want a worse punishment even though no matter what punishment he gets it will be bad. Seeing their secluded living courters Wei Ying starts to shake but neither his brother nor sister seems to notice or care enough about it. Jiang Cheng throws Wei Ying into the small room the little falling to his knees unable to catch himself. His knees are aching still brushed from the last time he got thrown to the ground. The last time he was shoved down into the rocks, luckily this is the floor but nonetheless, it still hurts like hell. Wei Ying knows better than to get up too without a command from Jiang Cheng so he stays on the floor kneeling waiting for what else they would do to him.

"Did you slip Wei Wuxian?" Jiang Yanli asks him in anything but a sweet tone.

Her voice is one of many in Wei Ying's nightmares that have him shaking and crying. Sometimes he would even wake up screaming because of her voice but he learned quickly not to make much sound after that punishment for waking the family up. Let's just say he couldn't sit down for a month or move around much. He knows he should tell the truth because they always find out if he's lying and that earns a worse punishment. The very thought of them finding out on their own makes Wei Ying's chest tighter. He can never lie to them, lying is forbidden to them. His hands shake as he fumbles with his belt taking out the teething ring Lan Zhan had let him have instead of his fingers. He always bites or sucks on his fingers to self-soothe himself but it was nice, the teething ring. Taking the ring from its place in the belt he hands it over to Jiang Yanli without looking at her. He wasn't allowed to look at them without a command either. Jiang Yanli takes the ring from Wei Ying's hand taking at the drool that is still on it. Wei Ying knows he will never see it again. He will have to pay Lan Zhan back if he ever sees him again for it.

"Absolutely pathetic you are. Can't even try to be normal but instead, you are this disgrace to our family. We thought we could be seen as normal and not document your disappointing classification but you can't even act normal. You have failed us over and over again Wei Wuxian; we will make sure this is the last time you have enough slip-ups," Jiang Yanli sneers kicking Wei Ying's back and sending him tumbling face-first into the ground.

He hits his chin pretty hard no doubt it going to leave a bruise. He knows they want him to cry out and make a sound so they can punish him worse but they have done a good job. They taught Wei Ying making sounds only makes things worse for him. So he doesn't say anything, just goes back up to his knees to receive the next punishment they had in mind. He deserves these punishments, being a little is nothing but pathetic and useless. This is his punishment for being born, being classified as a little. Littles are bad, they don't deserve to exist in the world. Everyone told him that his entire life and he must remember that. He can't be a little, there is no such thing as being a little. Only Dominates, Submissives, Neutrals, and Caregivers. If littles weren't allowed to exist why were their caregivers? Lan Zhan was a caregiver, the best one Wei Ying had ever met! He was so gentle and patient with Wei Ying. Never raised his voice or forced him to do anything he was uncomfortable with. He even let Wei Ying hold his hand and he didn't squeeze it like Jiang Yanli would when holding his hand. 

"Yanli, close the curtains and make sure to soundproof the place. It's time Wei Wuxian knows exactly where he is supposed to be in this world and what is expected of him," Jiang Cheng growls a bright purple glow illuminating the walls.

Wei Ying knows what's coming as much as he doesn't want it to happen. This has to happen though because he was bad and bad boys get punished. He broke their number one rule and he must pay for it. Lash after lash is bestowed on Wei Ying's back but he doesn't fall or make a sound and if he does Jiang Cheng whips him harder than before. After about fifty lashes the purple glow disappears and Wei Ying falls forward unconscious from the energy that is drawn out of him. Instead of leaving him on the floor though like they always do they change it up. Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli take ahold of Wei Ying's arms heaving him up. Making sure the coast is clear they scurry outside and through the secret path, they make it to the waterfall and river. Jiang Cheng drops Wei Ying's body into the river watching his lifeless body get soaked by the freezing water. With a smug smile on his face, he turns around and offers his arm to his sister which she gladly takes. A cold crackle comes from them as they walk back disregarding their brother who is lifeless in the water. If they are lucky he will go down the river and end up in the ocean where he will be gone for good. 


Lan Zhan paces back and forth in front of his brother while he is looking at the Jiang Sect documents. Every Jiang classification is accounted for but Wei Ying's. There are even littles in this sect so what is so different about Wei Ying that he is hidden? They know Wei Ying is a little, well Lan Zhan found out so it's not like he doesn't have a classification. Lan Xichen looks up at his brother who is very worried. Well to anyone else his expression doesn't seem to change from what it usually is but Lan Xichen can see just how worried he is. He knew it had a lot to do with the caregiver inside of Lan Zhan but a lot of it was because it seemed like Lan Zhan took a liking to the younger which made Lan Xichen happy. It's about time his brother finds someone to call his own, little or not.

"Wangji we will get this sorted out I promise. Pacing id not going to do anything but create a path that has no end or beginning. Why don't you go down to the springs and take a soak? I will look around Cloud Recesses for Wei Ying and make sure he is okay," Lan Xichen tells his brother getting up from his spot at the table.

Lan Zhan looks at his brother and nods his head knowing his brother is right. Pacing back and forth won't do anything better. He takes one last look at the documents before leaving for the springs. 

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