5| And The Next Day...

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Whoever complained that having sex with the same person over and over again for years and years caused it to get stale seriously needed to get their brain checked. Or maybe a lobotomy. Possibly both. 

As I laid naked next to Nathan on the bed, I couldn't keep my mind from replaying the hundreds—possibly thousands—of times we've made love. And it seemed to only get better and better. Every time felt like the first time with him. And if it was possible, I continued to fall more in love with him every day. 

"I'm soooooo glad you called out of work today, gorgeous. Best. Decision. Ever." 

The satisfied smile that stretched across my face matched the blissed-out euphoria I was currently experiencing. "I have to say I agree." 

"Like...seriously, baby." Nathan rolled over so he was on his side and rested his head in his hand to look down at me. "Maybe you should call out tomorrow, too. And the next day," he breathed against my lips. "And the next..."

The hungry kiss he gave me had me moaning into his mouth. The way he deepened it and sucked on my tongue had my desire heating up once again. And that thick, hard erection I felt pressing against my hip told me I wasn't the only one who was ready for another round.

When he broke the kiss and his eyes met mine, my brain took a detour from Orgasm Lane and started heading towards Baby Fever Parkway. Ever since my closest friends started having kids, or trying to have kids, I couldn't help but wonder if that would be me and Nathan one day. Even though we were kept apart for twelve years, we knew each other most of our lives. I knew him. Commitment was something none of us thought Nathan was capable of before he started dating me. And I never worried once that he cheated on me. I knew without a doubt that he was as loyal to me as I was to him. 

But how much could a person really change? Kids was not something Nathan Jenkins has ever mentioned wanting. Not to me at least. The only time he even broached the subject was when he came with me to Florida when my dad was in the hospital. He'd told me that he used to dream of what our lives would have been like if we'd never been apart. Kids included. 

Did that mean he wanted them? Or was it just an old dream of a different life? 

"What wrong, Karma?" 

Looking over at him, I brushed my lips against his. "Nothing, baby. I'm perfectly content. More than." 

Just as I turned my head back to stare at the ceiling, he reached over to cup my face and guided my eyes back to meet his. "You could never lie to me, gorgeous. Talk to me. You know you can tell me anything." 

Could I? We were in such a good place right now and after all we'd been through, I didn't want to give him a reason to panic and bolt. It was hard enough being without him for over a decade. Losing him again was something I knew I wouldn't survive. 

The words were on the tip of my tongue, but what came out was... "What if I can't, Nathan?" 

"Can't what?" 

"Tell you everything." When he frowned at me, I added, "I'm scared to bring it up. I don't want to freak you out." 

I felt his body tense beside me. It was as if he hopped on my thought train then quickly realized that it was going in the complete opposite direction that he wanted. Panicked reaction aside, he said in a rough voice, "I'm going nowhere, baby. Fucking nowhere." His dark brows came crashing down over his brown eyes and he added, "I mean it. You can tell me anything, and I'll still be here tomorrow. And the next day. And the next. Nothing is going to break us up ever again, Karma." 

He meant every word he said. I knew it with absolute certainty. But still...

"Tell me," he pleaded. "Please, baby. You're scaring me." 

Forever Mine - Forbidden Hearts Series Book 7Where stories live. Discover now