#1: First kiss.

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Chapter One: "First kiss."

It had not been long since Haechan and Mark met in 2013. Being some of the youngest trainees at the moment, they still worked as hard as their older hyungs, or if not harder to keep up with them.

That day was no different.

Sweat pouring, their long dance lesson was taking a toll on them. Allowing the young boys to relax, their trainers turned off the music and some of the kids immediately slumped to the ground in different positions or chugged down water.

Mark groaned lightly as he lay on the floor, facing up to rest his back while Haechan kneeled next to his head, looking over him. Haechan had a few trainees he specially looked up to and Mark was on the list. He felt an unexplained admiration and liking towards the multi-talented boy who was only a year older than himself.

Not minding Haechan's eyes on him, Mark closed his own doe eyes. With his striking eyes out of the picture, Haechan's gaze zoomed to the next most alluring feature on his face. His thin but cotton-candy pink lips. He had no idea where the urge came from, but he bent over to him, pressing his own fuller lips against them.

It had happened so fast.

It was barely a kiss. An innocent peck on the lips. Mark had gotten up so quick in shock, his already large eyes widened further. Even Haechan was stunned by what he had done. He had not meant to do something like that, at least not on purpose.

Ten years later they would talk about it with their members and Haechan would describe it as a moment where he simply "lost control". But back then, the staff called them out. They had seen it and they were not going to let it slide.

Getting yelled at was not on Haechan's list of to-do things but his little mistake was too big in their eyes. Mark was more awkward than mad and Haechan for once had not known how to handle this situation.

Maybe if it were the older trainees, things would have been different but Mark and Haechan were just kids, 13 and 14 years old respectively. And so the staff had chosen to look past it that once, not reporting it and choosing to act like it never happened after that day.

Letting them off with a stern warning, Mark and Haechan were finally back in the studio. Haechan had apologised to Mark at the end of the day and though it was awkward for a little, they warmed back up to each other a few weeks later.

As said before, they were kids and there were no feelings involved. It had reduced to being just a funny memory of when they were trainees though Mark always went crazy and laughed at how he still could not believe Haechan did that to him.

Just a funny memory.


"Haechan," Mark said his name as a warning but Haechan just leaned in playfully, puckering his lips. His eyes had a glint of mischief as he purposefully acted like he was going to kiss his leader. It was not the first time such things had happened.

On and off camera, it was a common sight to see Haechan initiating skinship with Mark, sometimes to show his affection but mostly because Mark was not a fan of skinship. Being more like best friends than an older-younger brother pair, Haechan was like every typical best friend - do what your bestie hates.

But what's the line between playfulness and seriousness?

It's been ten years since they met and though Mark usually shied away on cameras, off-camera they were close to the point where their comfort level with each other was higher than most. A little skinship and affection was normal, usually.

However, something had changed lately.

Haechan's playful acts were more frequent. When their eyes met, they lingered a couple seconds longer. And right now, with Haechan's lips dangerously close to his face, something in him felt heavy. Back then, his first instinct was to pull away but these days, he felt an invisible rope tugging him towards the younger member.

Mark gulped subtly, trying to gather his self control. He had been needing to do so too often lately and his mind was in a state of confusion as to why.

"Hyunggg..." Haechan shook his shoulders, starting his regular aegyo. His fingers clutched the sleeves of Mark's shirt and Mark's arms that were usually limp by his side, were now tensed.

Mark shrugged his hold off, acting nonchalant. "Alright, that's enough, let's go home."

"Go home?" Haechan pouted, brushing off the fact that Mark pushed him away. All these years as bandmates and best friends, he had gotten used to it. "Let's eat together."

"I'm tired Haechan." Mark refused but when Haechan turned away, sulking, he let out a low sigh. He could not help but always give in to him. It was like Haechan had Mark wrapped around his finger but Haechan did not know it himself. "Fine. Let's go eat first."

Haechan grinned in delight, quickly picking up his bag. He was practically buzzing like a bee as he waited for Mark to pack his things, making Mark laugh at how happy Haechan was for such a little thing. They were always together as they were in both of NCT's most active units but Haechan still wanted to spend more time together.

"Why are you this happy?" Mark asked with a light laugh as they walked out of the practise room together.

"Because I like hyung," Haechan said in all honesty that just made Mark laugh even more, hitting his shoulder in embarrassment.

Satisfied with the reaction, Haechan beamed and they headed towards the elevator. As they waited for it to descend, Haechan pressed his forehead against the back of Mark's shoulder, moving his head side to side.

"Yah, you're wiping your sweat on me, aren't you?" Mark called him out but made no move to push him away, making Haechan snicker.

As they sat down in the cafeteria of SM, eating their dinner, Yuta joined them midway after his own schedules. Equally excited to see the maknaes of 127, he grinned and chatted with them both but Haechan noticed how Mark did not push him away when Yuta leaned against his shoulder.

It should not bother him anymore. Mark had a different dynamic with each member and Haechan knew that but he unconsciously noted those little things.

It was past nine when Mark and Haechan finally reached the dorm shared by NCT Dream. They usually lived with their 127 hyungs but there was exactly a couple weeks before the comeback preparations for Dream started and as always they had shifted into the younger group's living space for the next few months.

To make matters easier, Mark and Haechan always shared a room even when the others interchanged between themselves and so they headed into the largest out of the three bedrooms in the apartment.

"You okay?" Mark raised an eyebrow when Haechan was unusually silent.

Haechan nodded as he lay across his bed. "Yeah. Just tired."

Mark smiled a little at his sleepy expression. His arms were above his head and he let out a scream as he stretched, his stomach peeking out of his shirt just a little.

"Shower before you sleep," he reminded.

Groaning, Haechan reluctantly got back up. Pulling his sleepwear out of the wardrobe, he stumbled into their shared bathroom. As Mark sat back down to wait his turn, their room door opened and Renjun peaked his head in.

"Who just screamed like a banshee?"


helloooo! markhyuck is a new ship on this page and my current ult. i've always loved nct but i think this is the most obsessed i have been with them so i decided to make a story with one of my fav ships.

this book will be fluffy and soft mostly and at the same time, i have a bit of emotional scenes planned. there are also 18+ parts in the later chapters so that's that - the title of the chapters will have [M] for mature if you're trying to avoid or find😏 the 18+ chapters.

anyway do vote and comment if you like it, i always find myself more motivated to write when i realise more people want to read.

hehe byeee

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