#7: Hyung.

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Chapter Seven: "Hyung."

Comeback preparations were tough and increasingly more hectic. As they recorded other songs on the album, choreography finalisations and dance practices were going on as well. They had multiple shoots scheduled for things like MV, jacket shoots, posters etc. so the upcoming weeks were not going to be easier.

Currently they had just ended a meeting to decide on the b-side they were going promote with their title track. With the staff and the members torn between two songs, the meeting had dragged long into the late evening when they finally decided on one.

"Finally, we can go home," Chenle stretched his arms out, hitting Renjun in the process who hit him back, the two Chinese men starting to bicker.

"You guys head back first," Mark said. "I want to work a bit on my part on the choreography."

Jeno tried to talk him out. "Are you sure hyung? We already had dance practices this morning. You'll tire yourself out too much."

When Mark stood on his decision, Haechan volunteered to stay back with him. "We need to work on our duo part anyway, and I can make sure you don't overrun."

The dance break was broken into three parts, Jisung, Renjun and Chenle took the first, followed by Jeno and Jaemin and finally Mark and Haechan. Mark and Haechan's part was also the longest and slightly harder than the others so they needed to work on it more.

And so, Mark agreed to have Haechan with him while the rest of them waved before heading to their car to go back to the dorms.

Though Haechan's job was to stop Mark from overworking, he was almost equally an over-worker himself. With no one to stop them, the duo went on for as long as they could. They danced till sweat dripped down their foreheads and their bodies refused to move.

And yet, they were not satisfied yet.

Haechan leaned against the mirror as he sat down in exhaustion while Mark monitored their practice, pushing through his own fatigue.

"You need to be faster at seven. You're always half a beat late at that part," he told him for the fourth time that day.

"I'm trying," Haechan countered. "I can't do it."

"Sure you can," Mark put his hands up in dismissal. "I taught you just now."

Haechan scoffed, getting irritated at getting the same feedback again and again. Mark did not seem to understand that Haechan did not find it as easy as Mark did.

"Well, we're not all Mark Lee."

Mark furrowed his eyebrows at the retaliation. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Exactly what it sounds like," Haechan muttered as he got up to get water but Mark held him back, standing up as well.

"And what is that?"

Haechan shook his arm free. "You think that if you can do it, everyone can. Well, some of us are not as talented as you and it doesn't come to us so quick."

"Use that excuse on someone else. If you're tired, just tell me and we can continue tomorrow. You don't have to start something so stupid." Mark shut him down but Haechan riled up.

"Excuse? That's what you think it is? Stupid?"

Mark stood closer to him and their height difference gave him a leverage. "Yes. I've known you for a decade, Haechan. I know what you're capable of and right now, you just need to try harder because this is well within your abilities."

Haechan could feel him breathing down on him and he did not like the way Mark's words sounded right. Placing his hands against Mark's heavy chest, he pushed him away.

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