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Lying in bed, staring at the canopy above her, Hermione couldn't hold back the urge to smile. Thoughts of Theo from their day together in the library replayed in her head. He had so easily lifted her out of her anxieties, helped her do what she needed, and made her feel better, desirable... worthy even.

This is how they made her feel. The past two months flew by, yet she felt like she belonged in their embrace. Sure, it's been purely sexual at this point, not much time to explore beyond that with their schedules and studies but regardless, she had never felt so safe with anyone else, not even Harry and Ron.

They see her. That may sound cheesy or corny. But Hermione felt seen by them. Well most of them. She was still navigating a couple but regardless, she knew she would as it was clear they all were a package deal. She was happy with anything they gave her.

She did wonder if what they had would continue after school and what that would look like. There was so much time before then to worry about it; for now, she'd let herself enjoy what was building. She felt excited about Draco and Theo; clearly, there was more between the two than met the eye. She knew she and Blaise had something sweet brewing that was completely different from Draco and Theo, but alluring all the same.

Marcus and Mattheo were the ones she was unsure about. They both seemed much more closed off than the other three. She would really have to find a way for them to open up and let her in. She was determined to find it; the prospect of seeing Mattheo's mask crack was all too intriguing in ways Hermione didn't want to admit.

Hermione drifted off to sleep with thoughts of her five Slytherin men with a smile on her face. She hadn't smiled alone in a long time.

~ * ~

She was having a fantastic day. She attempted her first meditation session early in the morning as Riddle's book suggested for practicing Occlumency. She wasn't very successful as quieting her mind was much more difficult than it sounded.


Hermione took a deep breath, holding it for eight seconds before releasing it for another eight. She repeated this until she felt dizzy from the oxygen. Following the book's instructions, she listened to the nature around her by the Black Lake. She tuned into the rippling of the water, the owls flying overhead, and the rustling of the grass and trees stirred by the wind.

After a few moments, her mind would drift to essays or research she needed to do, or to what it would be like to wake up next to Riddle, Marcus, or Blaise. She quickly pushed away these random thoughts and refocused on her breathing and the sounds around her. After 15 minutes, she couldn't take it any longer and gave up.


After her morning meditation, she felt immensely lighter. In the common room, she saw Luna and Neville and had an amazing conversation with them. She caught Ron's eyes as he walked in, but he immediately beelined for the exit, avoiding her. She wasn't shocked by this. The fact that she hadn't seen much of him since the Burrow meant he was avoiding her as much as she was him. Even seeing Harry around had become a rare event, especially since they had all decided to take completely different N.E.W.T.s.

She decided she'd give Ron some time, but she would need to reach out to talk to him soon if she wanted to save their relationship at all. Walking around the corner, Hermione heard her name spoken by voices she didn't recognize. She stopped in her tracks and took a step back to hide behind the wall where the corridor turned toward the Great Hall.

"-Granger thinks she's doing with him?" a voice whisper-shouted.

"I don't know, but I heard she shagged Nott in the library too," another voice chimed in.

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