Spencer Reid X Autistic Daughter Reader

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Request : ok i was thinking about a fanfic where Spencer (probably a single dad) has a daughter (13-14) like tina belcher from bobs burgers, i just imagine they'd both be so awkward (and definitely autistic) and they'd both have glasses. But while Reid can talk lots and can get excited easily about things, she's like the opposite, imagine her meeting the team

Third person pov...

In the quiet suburban town of Quantico, Virginia, there lived a man named Spencer Reid. He was a brilliant criminal profiler, working for the Behavioural Analysis Unit (BAU) of the FBI.

Spencer was known for his encyclopaedic knowledge, his ability to connect the dots, and his unwavering dedication to his work.

Spencer had a daughter, Y/N, who was around 13-14 years old. She was a carbon copy of her father in many ways, with her glasses and her love for knowledge.

However, unlike her father, Y/N was a shy and introverted girl, who found it difficult to express herself. She was often compared to Tina Belcher from Bob's Burgers, as they both shared a similar awkwardness and a penchant for the unusual.

Y/N's quiet demeanour was a stark contrast to her father's animated personality. Spencer could talk for hours about his latest research or a new theory he had developed, while Y/N would prefer to spend her time reading or drawing.

Despite their differences, the two shared a deep bond, and Spencer was fiercely protective of his daughter.

It was a calm Saturday after weeks of cases the team had a couple days off, which pleased the Dr greatly, happy to spend time with his daughter,

The last one had been hard, a woman was going around killing young girls who reminded her of her high schools' bullies, Spencer couldn't wait to get home and see his daughter, they had called every night.

The two were currently sitting in the living room on the sofa, Spencer was reading a book, leaning against the arm of the sofa and his daughter next to him she was sketching in her sketchbook, she was exceptionally good.

Spencer smiled when his daughter showed him her drawing, he loved it when she showed him what she was drawing, her sketches are incredibly detailed. "Amazing N/N" he comments making his daughter smile and continue drawing.

In the background classical music played, neither liked a silent background so music was necessary. As they spent the quiet morning together around lunch Spencer received a call from his boss, Aaron Hotchner.

"Hotch is there a case?" he asks having stood up from the sofa.

He watched his daughter continue to draw, a smile still on his face. She was in her own world now "Hi Reid, not a case but I was hoping you could bring Y/N in" Spencer was confused.

He stands near the kitchen. "I could, be there soon" the two then end the call, Hotch had explained that there was an important case that required the team's immediate attention, and Hotch believed that Y/N's unique perspective could be valuable.

He then walked back over to his daughter, now to tell her they are leaving. "Hey N/N, want to come to my work with me?" He asks the girl.

This made the H/C girl look up from her sketchbook, E/C eyes wide. "Really" she asks, she always wanted to go to her dad work, she loves the job he does and all the caseshe solves.

Spencer was surprised. Usually Y/N doesn't like new places. "You do?"He asks the girl, Y/N grins at him. "Want to see where you work" she tells him.

Spencer laughs and pulls her in for a hug, one thing about Y/N is she loves hugs mainly the pressure from them. "Great, go get ready we need to leave soon" He tells her.

The teen then runs off to her room to get her things, once ready the father and daughter leave the apartment and make their way to the FBI headquarters.

As they entered the BAU office, Y/N was immediately overwhelmed by the bustling activity and the presence of her father's colleagues. She clung to Spencer's arm; her eyes wide behind her glasses.

Spencer helped her calm down by handing her headphones, Y/N quickly took them and put them on, the noise canceling happening immediately.

This made her feel calmer, but didn't let go of her Dad. The two find the rest of the team standing and chatting to each other about the case.

"Hey pretty boy" calls Derek, this made the rest turn to the two reids, Penelope instantly turns to the girl next to the young doctor. "Who's that with you Baby genius?" She asks waving at the teen.

Y/N looks down at the floor, avoiding the gazes of the team. "Guys this is Y/N my daughter" he explains, the team is shocked.

Derek wraps an arm around Spencer. "Pret-ty boy, how come you never told us you have a kid?" He asks.

The young Dr blushes and shrugs the arm off him. "Because you didn't ask" he grumbles, making Derek raise his hands and back away from him.

The team was initially taken aback by
Y/N's quiet demeanour, but they soon realized that her unique perspective was indeed valuable.

As they discussed the case, Y/N offered insights that the others had not considered, drawing on her vast knowledge of human behaviour and her keen observational skills.

Over time, Y/N began to open up to the team, sharing her thoughts and ideas more freely. She found a kindred spirit in Penelope Garcia.

who appreciated Y/N's love for all things geeky and her passion for learning. The two bonded over their shared interests, and Y/N began to feel more comfortable in the BAU office.

As the team worked together to solve the case, Y/N's confidence grew. She began to speak up more often, offering her insights and ideas without hesitation.

Her father watched with pride as his daughter blossomed, finding her voice in the midst of the BAU team.

In the end, the team successfully solved the case, thanks in part to Y/N's unique perspective.

As they celebrated their victory, Y/N stood alongside her father and the rest of the team, her glasses slightly askew and a smile on her face. She had found her place among the BAU team, and she knew that she would always be welcome there.

From that day forward, Y/N became a regular fixture at the BAU office, offering her insights and ideas to help solve the most challenging cases.

And though she was still quiet and introverted, she had found her voice, and she knew that she could have influence in the world.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for the wait! Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes.

Requests are open!

Word count: 1170

Criminal Minds x child Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now