chapter 40

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"Come in ."

I say going back to work , I look up and I roll my eyes when I realise it's Adriano.

"Annoyed already ?" He asks laughing as he gets in. This is what he's been doing for the past two days he's been here . I don't know where he got the courage to talk to me like he's my friend but it is annoying.

"Is Roy here ?"

He asks and I ignore him .

"Really , why are we switching roles ? I should be the childish one."

"Excuse you?"

"Oh finally." He says coming to sit on the couch and takes a peach in the fruit bowl and putting his legs on the table.

"I thought by now you would've learned some manners."

"I thought you love my no manners self?"

"Loved. And for God's sake please wash the peach."

"You care about me?"

"No , I find it disgusting. Why are you here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be working with the computers ?"

"Meh... But anyway. How far are you and Roy?"

"You ask me everyday."

"I need to keep my updates accurate."

"Oh well , from the last time I updated you, we're very far."

"How far is very far?"

"Like , love far ."

". But thank you for updating my list."

"What list ?"

" A how to defeat Roy list."

I scoff and go back to my work . I didn't think he was serious about the reason he came here . His phone rings and I look at him from the corner of my eye.

"I'll be gone  now." He says leaving and I wait until the door closes until I look up .


One week later

This past week has been going downhill . The workload is just hanging in my shoulder, but I have my team. The opens suddenly and I look up to see the people I never expected to see next to me ever.

"Hi Amara." They both say shyly and I just look at them confused.

"Hi , Madeline , Ria . What are you guys doing here.?"

"We...uh . We needed to talk to you."

I look at them still not believing. The last time I talked to them was...I don't even remember. Or maybe I don't want to remember. They look at me and I nod and they come to sit down.

"Wow , I can't believe you guys are here . I'm guessing it's something important."

"Not really, to be honest we have been wanting to talk to you for a long time , but we guessed you don't need a crowd anymore ." Ria says looking down.

"Ok , can you please make it quick , I have a meeting in a while and I have to prepare." I say prepping some documents.

"I know we've said this many time even though you ignored us , but we're really sorry ."

"It's ok . I forgot about it . Is that all."

"No... " Madeline takes a deep breath and looks at me .

"I saw your boyfriend downstairs."

"He's not my boyfriend. He hasn't been for months ."

What's wrong with her . Why is she suddenly asking about Adriano.

"Oh that's a pity . I know you loved him."

This is getting more confusing. I never told her I loved Adriano, so where's this coming from .

"Just get to the point Madeline." Ria says and Madeline nods.

"Uh , I know I judged you when I found out about you guys . Tends out Karma's a bitch."

Madeline says with a nervous giggle .

"What is it ? What do you mean karma?."

"I'm saying what goes around comes around. "

"Madeline just get to the point please , I'm stopping my work for you here.."

"Oh sorry. But I hope you-"

"She's in love with a person like Adriano , same status and same age ."

Ria says and I look at Madeline with a shocked look. This is...really appreciated information.

"Wow , this is... I don't know how to feel  , but congratulations I guess . But why are you here."

"Because I want your advice on how to hide it.  My parents can't know , especially my mother . She already has plans for me to get a husband that's going to take care of me . You know what I mean."

"Well that depends, how long have you guys started dating."

"About a month and I know it's a bit crazy that I love him already but I just can't help it a-"

"Hey hey Madeline, I understand. There's no need to explain." I say patting her hand.


"Well , how have you been keeping it a secret this past month."

"By not seeing each other often , but now he wants us to be more serious and I do too . But we can't be known and he said I have to make a plan or we might just end it because it's a waste of time . After he said that yesterday I just panicked and I couldn't even think of a solution , so I just had to come here . "

" the guy is in college I'm guessing."

I ask and Madeline nods.

"So you see , there's a high risk he might find someone else in college and I don't want that ."

I look at Madeline with a sad look.

"I know that feeling and I also experienced it ."

"Wait , did he....?"

"Yeah , but it's over now. Why don't you tell your mother ?"

"Did you tell your father?"

She asks and I sigh .

"Ok , well just see each other at night then. And be careful , that's all I can say ."

"See each other at night ? But he's studying at that time."

"But he can study at your house , right?"

Madeline looks at Ria and they smile at each other .

"Wow , that could work . Thanks Amara , I was really clueless. I hope we'll talk some other time."

"Yeah , You're welcome."

"You could've asked anyone for help though ."

"I trust you a Amara , that's why I'm here ."

They stand up to leave but I stop them .

"Wait , what's his name.?"

"Romeo ." Madeline says and I nod. I think I've heard that name before , but anyway. I know that Madeline only came here to fix things with me and she saw this as an opportunity, but I appreciate her effort . But I also love that she trusts me .

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