What You Do In Your Free Time Together

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Jon Snow: You find somewhere soft and warm and just sleep curled up together.

Robb Stark: You go walking in the woods while you tell him all about your day.

Bran Stark: You go riding together in the forest.

Ned Stark: You just cuddle up under the furs together, and sometimes you run your fingers along the scars on his chest.

Joffrey Baratheon: You spend your time together quietly, often just sitting and enjoying each other's presence.

Tommen Baratheon: You walk in the gardens, holding onto his arm.

Jaime Lannister: You go out together to get some fresh air, whether it's going on a walk or a horse ride, while you tell each other stories.

Tyrion Lannister: You curl up together, each reading your favourite books.

Tywin Lannister: You sit in his office while he works. Sometimes you just sit, other times you sow, read, or work on art to keep you occupied. He loves it as long as you don't distract him too much.

Jorah Mormont: You sit by the fire and play with his hands while he tells you stories of his home.

Roose Bolton: You sit on his lap and cuddle up to him while he works. He likes it even more if you fall asleep on him.

Ramsey Bolton: You start out by having a calm moment where he enjoys being held by you, only for it to turn into him trying to play fight and tickle you.

Petyr Baelish: You take care of each other by taking a bath together and helping each other wash. Sometimes afterward he would let you trim his hair and keep him tidy.

Theon Greyjoy: You sit outside and let him show off his archery skills for you.

Sansa Stark: You go to the gardens and pick flowers together.

Arya Stark: You practice your sword fighting and pretend to be knights.

Catelyn Tully: You find somewhere private and dance together.

Cersei Lannister: You sit together and drink wine while you talk about anything.

Daenerys Targaryen: You cook for her while she hugs and holds you.

Jory Cassel: He falls asleep with his head in your lap as you gently play with his hair.

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