Chapter Sixty-Eight

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The Witches of Dathomir

(Y/n)'s POV
"Here, you look like you're going to faint." He handed me a cup containing a blue drink.

I accepted it and gave it a sniff, "What is it?" I questioned, furrowing my brows in curiosity. It smelt sweet, my mouth watered.

"Blue milk," He answered, "Do you want food?"

I shook my head despite my stomach growling and aching. I was hungry, but I knew my nerves wouldn't let me keep much down, "This is fine." I took a small sips to satisfy myself without overdoing it, "Oh," I loved it. It was sweet, but not too sweet and refreshing for being milk, "This is more than fine."

Unless my ears deceived me, I swear I heard him breathe a chuckle. A deep chuckle that rumbled in his chest, "I had a feeling you would like it."

This man has been nothing but kind to me , if we don't count the small fight in his "room", maybe I don't have to be afraid of him. He would've killed me by now if he wanted to, right? "Do you think you can tell me your name?"

He shook his head as he started to walk away from the stand where he bought the drink, "No. We'll only be together a short while longer so there is no reason for that."

I tolled my eyes, "Fine, tin-man it is."

He sighed heavily, "For someone in your position, you're awfully bold. Not much scares you, does it?"

I looked down, noticing our walk was in perfect sync, "A lot scares me," I admitted, "But if you wanted to hurt me, or kill me, you would have by now."

He shifted his gaze to me, side-eying me as we continued to walk along the desert floor, heading in a direction that takes us out of the town, "True, but that doesn't mean I'm not a dangerous man. Never trust anyone (y/n). Not even the ones closest to you, you understand me?" His tone became serious in the blink of an eye, "Especially," He paused and swallowed whatever name he was about to say.

I stopped in my tracks, prompting him to stop as well, "Especially who?" I asked, only getting a dead stare in response, "Especially who?" I asked even louder.

"I've said enough, let's go." He grabbed my arm and pulled on me a little too hard for my comfort.

I seethed in pain and tugged on his grip, "Let me go!" I yelled, hoping to get someone's attention but unfortunately we were now too far from civilization for me to be heard, "I said let me go!" I slapped him, hard.

As the wind around us blew, so did the mask I ripped from his face following my slap.

My eyes widened in confusion and horror when I saw his face. I scanned every feature as quick as my eyes could move, question after question popping into my head, "Anakin? Wha-"

"Not Anakin," His eyes, eyes I did not recognize belonging to a face that I did, burned with rage, "And I really wish you hadn't have done that."

Anakin's POV (Present time-line)
"This is your bright idea?" I glared to the side at Obi-wan's padawan.

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