Chapter Six

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Never Give Up

(Y/n)'s POV
My Master, Rex, and a few other clones belonging to the 501st walked me to the training section of the facility. We walked in an uncomfortable silence since my Master was still mad at me for the chair stunt in the cafeteria. And I had a feeling he was going to be a bit harder on me during this exercise because of it.

As soon as we reached a pair of closed double doors, he stopped, prompting the rest of us to stop as well. With the wave of his hand, the doors opened and he motioned for me to follow him inside, which I did while the clones waited outside. I'm not even sure if they were here because he asked them to be, or because they were being nosey and wanted to watch what just might be attempted murder - or murder, we'll see.

As I walked inside, I eyed my surroundings to get a feel of the layout. The walls and the floors were a charcoal gray color, there multiple barriers placed around the room that were good for cover, and towers that I'm sure have a few hidden tricks within them — there were also dozens of blasters mounted on the walls in front of me. And I just know that each and every one of them is going to be aimed right at me within the next five minutes.

This training room is where the clones practiced their combat skills, and it's also the place where they have their assessments. Assessments are what they need to pass in order to be placed in a battalion.

I swallowed nervously as I looked up at my Master, "Is this really for training? Or are you just trying to get rid of me?" I asked, with all seriousness.

He shook his head with the rolling of his eyes, "You think that low of me? All the guns will be set to stun," He reached down and unclipped my lightsaber from my belt before I could stop him, "And you won't be needing this either." He waved it in-front of my face with a smile. My eyes widened as I went for my weapon, only for him to take a step back and raise it above his head — the idea of punching him in the gut to get it back came to mind, but I refrained from the use of violence, "I said you won't be needing this." He clipped it to his belt, right next to his.

"And why not? Master Yoda said a Jedi's lightsaber is their life and should be treated as- are you mocking me?" I exclaimed in disbelief when I saw him making gestures with his hands as I spoke, mimicking the movements of my lips.

"Yes," He responded bluntly, dropping his hand down, "I know what Master Yoda said, Obi-Wan has told me the same thing. But I've come to learn that when we're out there, things happen and you just might lose your grip on it," He shrugged as if he was speaking from experience. Which I'm sure that he is, but losing my lightsaber in battle is not something I've ever done, or plan to do, so this is pointless, "So I want to make sure you're not entirely dependent on it, and have no problem using your other skills to survive."

I folded my arms over my chest, "This is pointless, I'm not as clumsy or as dumb as you," I said and he cocked a brow in response as he slowly began moving backwards, "So losing my lightsaber is not something that will happen to-"

Once again, I wasn't able to finish a sentence. And what annoyed me the most was that it had to do with him closing the heavy metal door between us and locking it shut - leaving me in here alone, and the rest of them out there.

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