Farewell for now

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After his talk with Sunset, Todd made his way back inside the school. He had asked Sunset to come with him, but she insists that she stays outside as she doesn't want to face the students after what she had done. As he walks through the halls, he finds his cousin and the girls waiting for him by the gymnasium

Todd: Hey guys

Tex: Hey cuz. So, how'd it go?

Todd: It went pretty good. I comforted Sunset on what happened and we agreed to be friends. After all, she deserves a second chance.

He then begins to blush from the hug Sunset had given him

Rarity: Are you alright, darling?

Todd: Uh. Yeah. I'm fine

Rainbow Dash: Oh really? Then why are your cheeks red? 

Fluttershy: Did something happen between you and Sunset?

Todd: No. Nothing happened! I was just feeling hot that's all

Applejack: (not convinced) Uh huh. Whatever you say, sugarcube

Tex: Come on, gals. Ease up. You're makin him uncomfortable

Todd: Thanks, cuz.

Twilight Sparkle: Okay (giggles quietly)

Todd: So. What do you say we all go to the Fall Formal and par-tay.

Pinkie Pie: You've read my mind, Todd!

They all head into the gymnasium and they all began to party. 

The Fall Formal was well underway. All of the students began to party hard. Todd and Tex were dancing with Applejack and Big Mac. The girls even used their transformation live things up further in the Fall Formal. Twilight even begins to dance pretty weirdly. Everyone looked at her strangely, but Flash then began to join in on the dance. Photo Finish then took the group's picture. 

With the Fall Formal over, it was time for Twilight and Spike to return home. The girls and cousins give her a group hug. 

Twilight Sparkle: You'll look out for her, won't you?

They look to see Sunset by the destroyed entrance of the high school

Rarity: Of course we will. Although I do expect some sort of apology for last spring's debacle.

Twilight Sparkle: I have a feeling she'll be handing out a lot of apologies.

Todd: You said it

Vice Principal Luna hands Sunset a masonry trowel as she now has to fix the damage that she had caused. Snips and Snails were tasked to help fix the damage also. Just as Sunset begins to get to work, she spots Todd. She then begins to gaze lovingly at him.

Spike: We better get going.

Twilight Sparkle: I know we've only been friends for a short time, but I'm gonna miss all of you so much. (to Todd and Tex) Todd. Tex. Thank you all so much for your help

Todd: No problem, Twilight

Tex: We're just glad to help a friend out. We'll be seein ya

Todd: Take care of yourself, your Highness

The two cousins bow respectfuly which makes Twilight giggle. She and Spike then heads over to the statue. 

Spike: That crown really does suit you, Princess Twilight.

Twilight Sparkle: You know what, Spike? I am starting to feel a little more comfortable wearing it.

Spike: And the wings?

Twilight Sparkle: I've been walking on two legs and picking things up with these hands! Wings? I'm thrilled that's all I'll be dealing with back in Equestria!

They go through the statue to return to their dimension. No sooner they did that, the moon roses to it's peak in a flash of light. Just then, the transformations on the girls fade away. Pinkie Pie rushes over to the statue in an attempt to jump in the portal only to smack her face on the statue. 

Pinkie Pie: Oh, bummer!

Todd: (chuckles) Oh, Pinkie

Todd looks at his bracelet. To his surprise, it still remain the same and didn't change back

Todd: (thinking) That's strange. My bracelet didn't change back. I guess the magic inside it doesn't want to go.

He then hears a screech. Todd and his friends looks up to see the peregrine falcon watching the group from above the statue. The falcon flaps it's wings and flies off. Todd runs over to the sidewalk and sees it fly off in the distance. Tex then walks up next to him

Tex: Gotta say. That was some night. Huh, cuz?

Todd: It sure was, Tex. It sure was

They put their arms over their shoulders just as the girls join them as they watched the night sky

(That's the end of the first Equestria Girls movie)

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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