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I had just put the twins to sleep, they are growing and I'm happy. Nathi is also hands-on which makes things easier for me. He arrives here early in the morning and leaves late at night or sometimes uses the guest bedroom. Today he will be late because he had to go check on his business.

I was now making breakfast for myself since I was alone anyway. Mamzo left for the weekend, Lindo is on some school camp and bhuti hasn't came back since the day we caught him kissing with Simz in my lounge. Simz is also unreachable, I guess him and his boyfriend are together and don't want to be bothered.

Voice: "Sawubona Amandla." I instantly feel my armpits sweat. I turn and look at him standing by the door smiling.

Me: "Ufunani la Zamani?!"

Zamani: "I came to see you." he says walking closer.

Me: "See me for what?!"

Zamani: "Hawu Amandla. Kanti is it so wrong to come check up on you as a caring friend?" I chuckle sarcastically.

Me: "I'm not your friend."

Zamani: "How have you been?"

Me: "Don't you have anything else you want to ask me about?!" I can't believe i'm even asking him this.

Zamani: "How did it go at the doctor that day? Are you positive or...?" I really want to slap that dumbness off his head.

Me: "No, I'm clean." I see his face changing abit but he quickly masks it with a big fake smile.

Zamani: "Uh that's very ... good. I'm glad that you okay ... and uh... clean."

Me: "Mmhm."

Zamani: "I should probably get going now."

Me: "Aybo Zamani. Aren't you going to ask me about your son?"

Zamani: "My son? Did I perhaps leave a baby with you Amandla?" I chuckle. He must be sh*tting me right now.

Me: "Yes! Yes, you did Zamani. You left it in my stomach!"

Zamani: "Ay sisi wami angazi ukhuluma ngani. That's impossible, I'm infertile."

Me: "Nx! Uyadakwa wena!"

Zamani: "Mxm ngathi kuwena ozama ukungibopha ngengane engingayazi. Did you even ask your other boyfriend?! Maybe he is the father!"

Me: "Just get out of my house Zamani."

Nathi: "Yeah leave and never come back futhi."

Zamani: "Ngiyahamba vele!"

Nathi: "Oh wait. Please sign this for me."

Zamani: "What is this?!"

Nathi: "Angithi you said you can't father a child? Then sign la." this idiot signs without thinking twice and honestly, I'm glad. He leaves right after signing. Nathi walks to me and hugs me tightly, I exhale feeling kind of relieved from whatever.

Nathi: "Don't worry, Musa is my son too as much as Sethu is." I hug him again.

Me: "Thank you Uminathi."

Nathi: "It's okay. The girls are coming later on." I squeal.

Me: "Come help me cook!" he laughs following me to the kitchen.

Nathi: "I want to go check on my boys!"

Me: "They are asleep so help me!"


The girls arrived and they both have been clinging on me much to Nathi's annoyance which makes me even more happier. The boys cries come through the monitor and Nathi rushes off to my room and shortly comes back with them both in his arms.

Milani: "Wow daddy! Can I see?!" she rushes to him and peaks at the babies.

Dad: "Yabo? You're a big sister now." she giggles.

Milani: "Ngempela? It's my babies?" we all chuckle. Simi also gets up and takes Musa from her father's arms.

Simi: "Now I have two more brats to bully."

Nathi: "Yey'wena ngizokushaya." She laughs and sits next to me.

Simi: "They look like me sisi."

Me: "Yes they do baby." I say laughing. My front door bangs open startling the babies and they start wailing.

Zamani: "Kumnandi la. Playing happy families with my kids Amandla?! Uncenge lendoda ngalendlela yokuthi usungasebenzisa izingane zami?!" he shouts. I see Milani holding on tightly on her father's arm.

Me: "Uyahlanya Zamani?! You're scaring the kids!"

Natalie: "Wena uzenza ngcono ngamasimba! Uyisfebe nje!" she says looking at me entering the lounge.

Me: "Natalie. What are you doing? And ufunani kwami?!"

Natalie: "You and your brothers have always sidelined me and hated me just because my mom was able to keep my dad, something your dead mother couldn't do!" i chuckle running my tongue over my teeth as i feel anger rising in me.

Me: "Don't be so sure honey, there might be many other women out there and some more kids."

Natalie: "Wena uyinja! You think you are better than everyone else and I'm still going to show you abantu and ngizokufundisa. Your first miscarriage was the first step and you're lucky these two got a chance to live." she spits on the floor and walks out followed by her puppet.

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