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Till date, I'm still hurt by Natalie's words. I couldn't believe that my sister would kill my child, all in the name of teaching me a lesson?! When I think about it, it doesn't make sense. When and how did she even get a chance to make me miscarry? I'm so baffled by a lot of things.

Nathi: "You're still thinking about what your sister said the other day?" I turn and look at him as he takes a sit opposite me.

Me: "Yeah, I'm confused but mostly hurt."

Nathi: "Don't think too much about it, everything will be clear in time. Konke okwenzeka ebumnyameni kuyavela ekukhanyeni." I smile a little and nod.

Me: "You can now pay damages for the kids."

Nathi: "Thank you." I look at him and smile.

Me: "Mmhm."

Nathi: "Please take me back? I know I sound crazy but I love you so much Amandla and I would love to spend the rest of my life with you by my side all the time. Even if we don't get married Ama, I want to live life with you next to me, for the rest of my life. I want to grow old with you Amandla. I know I've done a lot of sh*t that made you doubt me every single time but I seriously want you. I will spend the rest of my life making up to you and treating you with love. I love you so much Amandla."

Me: "Nathi." I whisper with my eyes burning with tears. He comes closer and sits next to me.

Nathi: "I am not ready to let you go. I don't even want to see you with someone else Amandla. I love you so much so please take me back."

Me: "I am scared Nathi." I am not trying to fool anyone, I love this man with my whole life.

Nathi: "Of what baby? I promise to never hurt you... well intentionally."

Me: "I'm scared. What if we don't last?! What..."

Nathi: "Can we please try and focus on everything good and positive around us?! I love you ngempela Ama."

Me: "You promise to never hurt me again?!"

Nathi: "I promise." I smile.

Me: "I also promise to never hurt you intentionally or to even cheat on you." he smiles then pulls me to him and gives me a very passionate kiss.

Nathi: "So should I consider myself your man?!" I blush nodding.

Me: "Yes."

Nathi: "Ngiyakuthanda yezwa?!"


Later on, as I was cooking dinner, a knock came through. Nathi was in the lounge with the babies.

Nathi: "Babe!" I wipe my hands and walk out to the lounge where I find Zulu standing in the middle of the room.

Me: "Zulu?"

Zulu: "Unjani Ntombi yami?"

Me: "How can I help you?"

Zulu: "I didn't know you have kids now."

Me: "Ngingakusiza?" he sighs.

Zulu: "I need to talk to you."

Me: "I told you that you can talk to me when Bhuti is around." he sighs.

Baya: "I am here so let's hear him out." he says walking in with Lindo who is in his school uniform. Zulu starts sweating and keeps wiping his forehead.

Nathi: "Let me put the boys to sleep." he walks out.

Baya: "Khuluma Zulu." we all take seats, Zulu is sitting opposite us.

Zulu: "Firstly I would like to apologize for all my cruelty towards you guys. I'm sorry for even putting you through so much pain and misery because of my selfishness."

Bhuti: "Why are you apologizing now?! What do you want?!"

Zulu: "I don't want anything except your forgiveness. I'm still sorry for all the things I've done to you guys in the past. I sincerely apologize."

Bhuti: "We don't need your apology."

Zulu: "I'm also sorry for leading your mother to an early grave. I never treated her the way she deserved and that ended up killing her. I'm sorry. I know my apologies won't bring her back or rectify my actions but I hope they will ease your hearts a bit so you can be able to fully heal."

Lindo: "Why now?!" he asks and I am just numb.

Zulu: "Because I finally realized how selfish and egocentric I've been. You all didn't deserve my mistreatment."

Bhuti: "Why did you kill MaZondo?!" Zulu looks up shocked.

Zulu: "What?!... how?!"

Bhuti: "I know everything, Zulu. I also once heard you telling her that the poison you fed her will eat her slowly."

Zulu: "Ngiyaxolisa."

Bhuti: "You even accused her of cheating on you."

Zulu: "Ngiyaxolisa. I really hope you guys forgive me. Y'all are the only family and children I have left in this world."

Lindo: "And where is your precious colored daughter?"  he clears his throat looking down as his eyes get filled with tears.

Zulu: "She... she is being buried this week and I just found out that she wasn't mine." Bhuti laughs first and then Lindo follows.

Lindo: "How is that possible? You left us and humiliated our mother for your white wife and your daughter!?!"

Zulu: "I am sorry."

Me: "Mina I forgive but that doesn't mean I want to have a relationship with you. I will always respect you as an elder like how mom used to teach us but I don't want you near me or my family." I then get up and walk to my bedroom.

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