Chapter Fourteen: Meet The Pack (II)

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I walked into the kitchen, towing behind the three goddesses. "You're all really pretty." I said, rubbing my forearm as the scent hit my nose. I couldn't help but inhale deeply- there was a roast cooking and rice boiling on the stove. "Thanks, you're quite the looker yourself." The red head, I think her name is Marlon, said to me. I smiled and blushed while all the girls awed. "Isn't she just so cute?" One of the brunettes said, I think Tilly. "I'm pretty sure the pack will be most protective of her." Mina said. I got her name the quickest because her personality stood out the most to me.

"The pack treats us like sisters, but they'll probably be hovering over you every chance they get." Tibbie said to me. "It's natural, we're kind of their responsibility too. You mate with a member, you mate with the whole pack." Tilly chimed in. "Ain't that the truth." Mina chewed a raw carrot as she chopped some celery on the cutting board.

"That's pretty cool. You're all like family." "You mean we." Marlon corrected. I smiled and nodded and the girls all giggled. "Boy, Kent is deep into the 'Killer' Phase already you guys. Did you hear that growl?!" Tilly shrieked. "What's that?" All of the girls looked at me and smiled.

"Well, the killer phase is like the honeymoon phase of the relationship, except more complex. As predicted, the wolf wants to be by their mate's -once claimed as their mate's- side twenty four-seven. But, they get really protective of their mates as well, not letting them out of sight for long periods of time. This happens with male wolves particularly. They warn other male wolves to stay away from their mate and won't let anyone come closer than five feet to ?their mate." Mina explained. "It's creepy and annoying at first, but you can't help but smile, it's pretty cute how desperate he is to keep you safe already." Marlon gushed. I blushed as Tilly gave me a knife and cutting board, on it a few potatoes. I set off to work.

"So, how did you all meet your mates?" I said, dicing the food into small squares, but stopping when I felt my sleeves rise up yet again. I knew the arms were too short. I then continued as they told their stories to me one by one.

Tilly went first. It was the summer of ninth grade (she's eighteen now), she and Tibbie were at a daytime summer came. Tibbie ran off to use the bathroom and Tilly ran into Tyler. He took one look at her and tried to kiss her, she freaked out and punched him in the face. All was forgiven a few days later when he sat with her during activities. They got each other's numbers and have been inseparable ever since.

Tibbie met Trevor on the way to the restroom. She accidentally ran into the boys one, and right into his arms as he turned away from the sink after washing his hands. One look in her stormy gray-blue eyes and he was hooked.

Tibbie and Tilly then revealed to me they were wolves.

Marlon and Devlin met each other freshman year of high school. Devlin had been around for centuries, as werewolves don't age, he just went for kicks. Marlon was a freshman, and Devlin a sophomore, and he knew the school like the back of his hand. When he saw her at the office he offered to show her all around the school. A year later they finally became bonded, him accepting her as his mates, as they were both wolves.

Mina was a rogue. She crossed paths with Josiah one day when she crossed into the pack's territory during he and Devlin's run. She was visibly smaller, and she phased out right in front of two boys, stark naked with no shame. She told then both to phase and Devlin made a beeline straight back to the pack house. Josiah phased out and stared into her eyes, and knew they were mates in an instant. Some, erm, eventful stuff happened on those very grounds that night.

When Mina finished her way too detailed story, all of the girls just simply rolled their eyes whereas I was trying to keep the heat off of my cheeks. "Aw, poor thing's beet red." Marlon commented as the other girls laughed along.

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