Chapter Forty-One: Changes of Heart (III)

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~*~ Reid ~*~

"I just don't know what to do!" I groaned at my companion, Clancy, as we walked on.

I had to check in on the blacksmith about my father's swords.

They were sent in to be sharpened last week and due to his new grouchy state, he's picking fights with everyone. I couldn't wait to snatch this errand from him; the sooner I get out of this house, and the sooner I get him away from sharp objects, the better.

But this, I could not take.

"Clancy, give 'er some space!" I yelled. Clancy shook his head.

"It's not that simple, never that simple, Reid! You haven't found your mate yet, so you don't understand what it's like, being away from your other half... It's like-"

He proceeded to make it seem like being away from his mate, Aly, for one night while she assisted in the birth of her niece, equated to a severed, untreated, limb.

I scrubbed at my face tiredly. The hut on the side of town felt like a trek with this idiot lugging behind me.

Finally, we neared the side of it, and Clancy's rambling died down.

The scent hit me like a ton of bricks, nearly making me stumble over at the mercy of my wolf.

Mate! He howled, rather excitedly. I gave a growl underneath my breath, as Clancy noticed the sudden change in my attitude. Not now, why right now? Why right in the middle of family drama?

He gave me a knowing look and followed suit as I edged towards the front of the establishment.

"Excuse me?" I yelled rather irritably, over the sound of metals clanking together. A quite toned figure hunched over an anvil, hammer raised, ready to come down on the red-hot edge of a sword.

"Yes?" I was taken back by a rather soft voice, like a chime of bells, before she gave another hit at the sword. Might I add, her hands shook before they firmly came down.

"I'm here to inquire about the bundle of swords Alpha Claverly ordered just last week?"

"Ah, yes. I'm finishing off the last one as we speak." She said, stealing a quick glance over her shoulder.

She did a double-take, and realization dawned on her as it did me. She dunked the sword in cold water and set it down on her working desk, alongside her hammer, before slowly approaching, nostrils flaring as she inhaled all of my scent.

Clancy stood off to the side, trying to make himself scarce as I let every aspect of her soak my mind, she undoubtedly doing the same.

I knew this day would come. But I cannot make a mess of myself over some girl.

I cannot turn to putty in her hands though I desperately wanted to cater to her every wish. I had duties to uphold, things that have been expected of me, my birthright, since the day I was born. I cannot slip up now. I must remain levelheaded.

But she smiled at me and I basically caved inside, yet remained a calm composure on the outside.

My smile was stiff; I felt like cracking one so big the corners of my mouth would tear.

She didn't know this; I could see the hurt in her eyes, the thought of rejection staining her cheeks a burning light pink.

"Of course. We best leave you to your work, then. I shall send someone by to pick it up tomorrow-"

"But Alpha Claverly wants them-!"

I turned and gave Clancy a dark glare.

We were on our way. I couldn't see the pain in her eyes.

"What are we going to tell your father?"

My father. Yes. Fuck, I need to talk to my father, but not about the swords.


N/A: Sorry about my absences, guys! I am still here, just super busy! But now that I'm free for a month still, I'll be updating a lot more often! Maybe even a few more installments today! Thanks for your patience x

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