Apology | A SIXTEEN

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A/N: Dedicated to Starstrike2524 and bran-die


With a steely gaze, Stevie eyed the vitreous skyscraper, stacked right between the bustling intersections, towering condominiums and other buildings kissing the heavens was the headquarters of Stellar Magazine. It vanished when she turned to face the girl sat beside her. "Thanks so much for the lift, Car. You're a lifesaver."

"I had free time so, no problem." Carmen replied with a shrug.

Stevie knew the girl was only putting up a front, she didn't want to imagine how she'd inconvenienced her kitten. Carmen was a creative soul who'd fill time in all sorts of productive endeavours and she was also Stevie's alternative for a ride. Then that silver haired spazz just had to show up and cost her for time but she managed to get ahold of Carmen, discreetly, before the spunky girl had mosied off with Rodger and that band to one of their notorious 'chill pads'.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay?" asked Carmen. "If you’re just dropping something off to this friend of your mother's, I really don't mind waiting."

"No, it's fine." assured Stevie. "You've already done more than enough." Prior, they'd had to head down to Ms. Dion's studio apartment, a district an hour away to verify her target was still in town.

The ever eccentric fashion designer who was nose deep in her work and forgotten to charge her phone buried under headshots, binders and articles. However, was kind enough to spare a moment to confirm Stevie's guess. Alongside the woman gawking at Carmen's apparently 'aspiring' violet hair and playing with it then requesting to take pictures.

"You've been a great help, Carmen. I don't want to impose on you anymore than this." insisted Stevie. "Really, I'm good. You can go."

"Alright." Carmen accepted.


At that, it seemed Carmen held an intense stare which was leaning towards adding something more. "Yes, Carmen?" Stevie prompted.

The girl's cheeks flushed and she averted her gaze. "Nothing, it's nothing. Bye."

"Um, okay." Stevie unlocked her door and stepped out. A gust of wind immediately billowing past her face as she zipped her jacket to the top, foot out to walk forward.


She stopped and glanced back to Carmen. "Don't call it imposing when we're friends."

Stevie's brows raised at that. Carmen proceeded to break her record for the longest she held a stare before her cheeks flared. "I um, just wanted to make that clear. See you later." That cued the car's departure and what should've been a grand, theatrical exit with the one liner.

Until a lorry cut them off at the getaway, causing the car to stop with Stevie still in a near distance. Carmen's face was evidently scorching as she impatiently waited for the traffic to clear, glancing to see if the brunette had still been watching. Stevie ever so kindly waved, assuring her kitten it was all seen. She observed Carmen shrink in her seat, hands clasped over her flushed face and no doubt mumbling a bombardment of curses.

Stevie found herself standing on that pavement until the car veered at the next turn, vanishing from sight. Yet, there was a remnant fluttering left in Stevie's chest. She hastily skewered it, reminding herself those were mere words.

Words that were conditionally catered to whatever 'friendship' Stevie portrayed that Carmen indulged in, but it was all fabricated. Carmen wasn't conscious of it now, but she was using Stevie in her own way; just a space free of judgement and a boost for self-esteem.

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