Chapter 1 - Rebirth

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As the girl stirred from her slumber, a throbbing ache pulsed through her head, coaxing her to consciousness. Blinking groggily, she found herself in a peculiar room, surrounded by other children who lay in peaceful repose. Confusion clouded her mind as she struggled to recall how she had come to be in this unfamiliar place. "Where... where am I?" she murmured softly, her voice barely a whisper in the stillness of the room. With a rumble of protest, her empty stomach reminded her of its presence, drawing her attention away from her disorientation. "I'm so hungry... but I can't even remember what happened..." With determination overcoming her confusion, she rose from the bed and navigated through the dusty and shabby old corridors of the decrepit dwelling. Dust danced in the air as she ventured towards the kitchen, her footsteps echoing faintly against the worn floorboards. "Perhaps I'll find something to eat here," she mused to herself, a glimmer of hope igniting within her. Upon entering the kitchen, she cast her gaze around the cluttered space in search of sustenance. Suddenly, a cacophonous crash shattered the silence, causing her to startle in alarm.

"What in the world was that?!" she exclaimed, her heart racing as she frantically scanned the room for the source of the disturbance. Guided by curiosity and a hint of trepidation, she followed the sound until her eyes fell upon a shattered mirror, its fractured surface reflecting her own image back at her. However, what greeted her in the reflection was not what she expected. Gasping in disbelief, she staggered backward, her pulse quickening with shock. "My hair... it's different... and I... I look like a child..." she whispered incredulously, her hands trembling as she reached up to touch her altered appearance. Panic surged within her as fragments of memories began to coalesce in her mind, piecing together a fragmented past.

"Alex... My Alex..." she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion as she uttered the name that resonated deep within her soul. Memories of a life once lived flooded her consciousness, intertwining with the uncertain reality in which she now found herself. As fear and uncertainty gripped her heart, she knew that unraveling the mystery of her identity would be the key to unlocking the secrets of this enigmatic realm.

(CharliePov!) Alex and I have been married for four years now, and his presence in my life over the past eight years has been transformative. He's been my source of healing, and his love has been a revelationI never imagined being loved so deeply, nor did I anticipate my capacity to love someone who mirrors my essence. In my eyes, Alex has always been superior. His intelligence shines through in his mathematical prowess. With just a bit of assistance from his older sister, he's built a successful company. His striking looks could easily win over any woman, yet it's me he cherishes and cares for with such devotion. His love is all I could ever wish for. Charlie returned home after a long grocery run, calling out for Alex to help with the bags as she entered the house. Alex emerged from another room, lifting the heavy bags from her hands with a smile. "Hey there, darling. You should've waited for me before braving the grocery store," he teased, affectionately patting her head. Charlie rolled her eyes playfully.

"Wait? I practically lived there for hours! The place was swarming with customers," she exclaimed, glancing down at the floor. Alex chuckled, wrapping his arms around her. "You're such a silly girl," he teased, planting a kiss on her forehead. "You could have just asked one of the maids to do it, you know. You do like to play the independent card every now and then," Alex teased further, his tone light and teasing. "Alex! I just wanted to give the maids a bit of a break. Besides, I was already back from work," Charlie replied, defending her actions.

"Darling, don't you know the reason we have them around?" Alex countered with a smile, adjusting his glasses. Charlie pouted playfully. "Waaaa, I just want to rest, but I also want to cook something for you," she admitted, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, really? What's the secret dish?" Alex inquired, intrigued by her sudden culinary ambition. "It's a secret~ Since the maids are all sound asleep, I want to whip up something special just for you," Charlie replied with a smile, her excitement evident. As Alex stepped into the room, a warm and inviting aroma greeted him. Charlie, with a joyful sparkle in her eyes, was meticulously arranging the various components needed to concoct their favorite dish, chicken corn stew. She couldn't help but let a tender smile dance across her lips as she pondered over the thought of Alex's delight upon tasting the hearty meal. The house, previously filled with the comforting sounds of culinary endeavors, fell into an eerie silence. This sudden stillness was abruptly shattered when darkness enveloped the space as every light flickered out.

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