Chapter 8 - The Evil Lingers

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As Charlotte strolled down the hallways toward Lady Amira's office, excited bubbled within her. "It's finally the day I meet Lady Amira," she mused, her thoughts consumed by what awaited her. Recalling the words of the first prince from the day befor

Charlotte stopped and couldn't help but imagine a formidable figure, someone who would push her relentlessly without respite. "I can't handle that!" she fretted, steeling herself for what lay ahead as she gulped.

Just as Ines announced Charlotte's arrival at Amira's office, the doorknob glowed green, signaling her permission to enter. With a deep breath, Charlotte pushed open the door, her heart pounding with nerves. Inside, she glimpsed the silhouette of a figure wearing a hat, her imagination running wild with fear. "Come in, dear," the figure beckoned in a low voice, sending shivers down Charlotte's spine.

"U-uhmm... G-greetings, Lady Amira Silvercrest... Ahah..." Charlotte stuttered nervously, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Oh, you must be Charlotte Harper Silvercrest," the silhouette responded, a hint of mischief in her tone, sending Charlotte's anxiety soaring. "Oh God, I'm doomed, she's so scary!" Charlotte panicked, squeezing her eyes shut as the figure approached.

But to her surprise, as the figure passed through her, the room flooded with light, revealing not a terrifying presence, but rather a lady exuding excitement. "AHH, DEAR, FINALLY, MY OFFICE CHANDELIER IS FIXED!" the once-intimidating figure exclaimed, her voice now filled with joy over the repaired fixture.

"E-eh..." Charlotte uttered, utterly taken aback by the sudden shift in atmosphere.

"Welcome, welcome, Lady Charlotte~~! You must've heard about me from Magnus, am I correct?" Amira exclaimed, embracing Charlotte with infectious enthusiasm, dispelling all of Charlotte's fears in an instant.

"I can't believe my eyes! For years, I've been dreaming of teaching at Silvercrest again! Kyaaa!" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

"What is this? Is this the teacher? More powerful than my father? Huh?" Charlotte pondered, her mind swirling with questions, mostly confusion and curiosity.

"It's my pleasure to meet you, Miss Amira. Thank you for your time," she greeted politely, trying to compose herself in front of her new mentor.

"Oh dear, you look exactly like your mother!" Amira exclaimed, her voice filled with nostalgia.

"I-I never knew her, ahah..." Charlotte replied with a forced laugh, feeling a pang of sadness at the mention of her mother she barely knew.

"Hm, she was like my best friend! Although she seemed so masculine, I never thought she'd have a daughter!" Amira reminisced, her memories flooding back.

"I-I see... Aha..." Charlotte murmured, not sure how to respond to Amira's revelation.

"Well then, why don't we start?" Amira suggested cheerfully, eager to begin their training.

"I've heard from your father that you already have such good skills in swordsmanship and archery, Charlotte, which has me thinking of teaching you how to transfer your Mana energy to an arrow," Amira explained, laying out her plans.

"You can do that?" Charlotte asked, her eyes widening in amazement.

"Well, let's start with the basic knowledge of the butterfly Mana," Amira replied, tossing a few books onto the table where Charlotte was seated, signaling the beginning of their journey together.

"This will be your desk from now on," Amira declared, gesturing to the designated space with a sweep of her hand. "Now, let me explain. The Silvercrest warriors are divided into distinct groups," she began, launching into her explanation with fervor. "We have the Swordsmen, Archers, Healers, Defense, and Mages, which includes myself. The Swordsmen comprise the largest contingent within the Silvercrest warriors, followed closely by the Healers and Archers. The Defense unit remains on standby, ready to provide support to our frontline fighters. As for Mages like myself, we are the rarest individuals in the bloodline, as mastery of Butterfly Mana requires an extensive amount of time and dedication."

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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