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Students eyes widen when they saw Hoseok .

He was looking mesmerizing, his eyes were hypnotising and were looking so captivating, due to black kajal that was enhancing his doe eye shape.
His beautiful plump red lips , and his beautiful dark black hair that were running freely made everyone simply skip their heart beat.

And most importantly the mangalsutra that rested between valley of his chest and bride red mark of vermilion on pathing of his hair made every student jealous of male who was married to beauty.

They have once seen their Professor looking so breathtaking but that was nothing to how he looked today.....he took away everyone's breath.


"Good morning Class " Hoseok said in his usual tone and everyone were stunned by his appearance.

Taehyung nearly forget breathing when he saw how his wife looked all beautiful and pretty wearing symbols of there reunion.

Taehyung gulped when he saw Hoseok push back his hair behind his ear giving everyone clear view of his neck.....the neck that carried his marks.....a very beautiful dark puplish hickey.

Hoseok cleared his throat and said ," Yesterday lot of things happen . Something that made you all saw me in different light. But I am not ashamed that's part of me as well. I did lots of mistake...while I was in my youth...was uhm sorry I  am rebel you know. Those were some memories of mine which you saw yesterday. Take note I said  memories cause that's what it is right now. I hope you see my present self cause that's what matters. You saw a phase of me like I am seeing your phase both are beautiful and equally tainted. but both have equal hope for growth in future and I hope you will show me what you have got. "

"Professor What about your relationship with Professor Yoongi and are you married to him ?" one of student asked in pure curiosity.

Everyone thought Hoseok would yell but he didn't.

" You like drama don't you ? Well , I was in relationship with Professor Min. That's all. And yes I am happily married to the person I love. He is very nice handsome man. Loves me a lot. Is cute but kinda idiotic you know..more like childish...cries a lot....but is good at heart and take cares of me and yeah he is very possessive man and I love him  . "Hoseok said looking straight into eyes of Taehyung who blushed deep red.

Everyone could see that their Professor was in love with his hubby with they way he talked and how soft and lovely his voice sounded.

"Now that we are done with Drama open your books and let's start solving question number 23"

"Wait sir , you didn't tell us how old is he? And is he the one who gave you hickey ?"

"What? Hickey ?" Hoseok asked in shock.

"Uhmm there on your left side of neck .
Hoseok look at himself in phone camera and his eyes widen when he saw the mark.

Hoseok blushed red as he covered his neck with his duppata and started teaching ignoring useless questions.


Hoseok was pulled into hug by dog who was gwaning at his neck.

Hoseok slapped Taehyung's biceps ,"you little dog leave me what did you do that huh ?"

"What did I do ??"

"Don't act innocent "

"Well it's not my fault you forget to hisde this one " Taehyung said kissing Hoseok's milky neck making him moan as how his heart flutter .

"Stop Taehyung " Hoseok moan ,"I have class "

"Hmm"Taehyung hummed but didn't stop kissing Hoseok's neck.

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