8 - Bloodsport

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Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock, Knock, Knock. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!

"HEY, WHAT THE FUCK. ARE YOU GUYS DEAD IN THERE? WAKE UP!" Chaewon yells in Korean from the other side of the door, hitting it with the heel of her hand. She hasn't heard even a shift from inside the bedroom.

The noise slowly wakes Hanni, her eyelids are too heavy to open. She groans, now she's aware of the throbbing headache and empty pain in her stomach.

"Dude, what if they committed murder-suicide." Winter whispers outside the door. She flinches as Chaewon's elbow flies towards her rib and yelps like a dog from the pain.

"I told you to stop watching those video essays about those schizo-satanic metal bands!" Chaewon shakes her head at Winter and rubs the spot she hit, it wasn't meant to hurt.

The sunlight cutting through the window feels warm on Hanni's eyelids, as well as the long legs tangled with hers. She's slowly realising where she is. Her eyes open and her heart rate picks up fast, everything from last night is coming back in fragments. Seeing Minji's sleeping face inches away made her smile, she felt incredibly proud of herself. Having to wake her sweetheart right now made her feel awful, since she's such a cute sleeper, but there's still incessant pounding on the door. Hanni uncovers herself from the blanket and sees that she's not wearing all of her clothes, and the air conditioning is biting her skin. She swallows hard when she realises Minji's still naked under the blanket, save for her bra. She can't open the door like this.

"Hey, wake up," Hanni says softly to sleeping Minji, shaking her arm and patting her cheek.

"No, tired." Minji mutters, half awake with her eyes closed, and rolls over on the other side, taking the rest of the blanket with her. Her body felt heavy like it did last night, the mattress was holding her hostage.


"I HEARD A KNOCK UPON MY DOOR THE OTHER DAY!" Kazuha joins in outside, singing a rock song she got into recently. Her friends hated that band so fucking much. Winter told her to shut up and sing better music instead.

The disturbance outside is finally annoying enough to get Minji out of bed. She looks around the room. Her tired eyes ache seeing the sunlight bouncing off the walls and she's incredibly nauseous. Goosebumps form on her arms and stomach, the coldness informs her she's not wearing pants. Where are we? Oh right, we're upstairs from that bar. The pretty girl sitting on the bed, staring and admiring, made her face warm as she put on her clothes that were scattered beside the bed. Holy shit, it's the girl from the diner last night. Oh. Oh my God, we had sex. Minji's cherry red with embarrassment, for a second she forgot Hanni's name. They said nothing while they took account of the mess they left on the other's skin, blushing and unaware of their own. It doesn't matter what they do now, it's obvious they were getting it on last night. Minji didn't leave any marks on Hanni's neck, but she did not spare her chest. Unfortunately, Hanni's top didn't cover half of them. Even her hips are mildly bruised from being held so tight, and those low rise shorts conceal nothing.

"Why'd we leave Minji with the keys for the van, we should've just left her here." Winter grumbles.


Minji goes over to open the door.

"Good morning everyone." Minji yawns and stretches, and all three of the wakeup crew look at her like she just stabbed someone.

"Woah, you guys not happy to see me?" Minji frowns as she leans against the doorframe.

Chaewon clears her throat.

"Dude, you're actually a slut. It's kind of disgusting." Winter says, eyeing her rudely. It's just a joke, she doesn't actually care. But she's still grossed out, because it's Minji.

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