Chapter 8

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The next day, Mao and Chiyo stared at the line of numbers under Kuro's name with complete disbelief. Their eyes were as wide as saucers. They stared at it as if it were the eighth wonder of the world. Who knew a simple phone number could be so extraordinary?

Mao and Chiyo came over on Saturday afternoon to spend the night at Akari's place. As soon as the two walked into her room, Akari showed her phone, showing the proof of her accomplishment.

Before her eyes could fall out of her head, Mao looked away from the phone and fell to the floor in exasperation.

"How-?" She started. "How in the world does Akari attend school for a month and manage to get, not one, but two of the princes' phone numbers?" Mao asked no one in particular but only to vocalize her frustration. "Not to mention she has been in one of the prince's beds!" Akari blushed upon hearing just how wanton it sounded.

"So when will Kuro tutor you?" Chiyo asked, setting her bag on the floor and sitting beside Mao. On Akari's small table, there was a plate of sweets which Chiyo began to pick at. Mao, on the other hand, pushed it away. She had to be mindful of her girlish figure.

"Monday, Wednesday, and Friday." Akari told them and Mao threw her arms in the air at the audacity.

"Wow, three days a week! That's a lot." Chiyo said, licking her fingers of cream.

"I think he is trying to tutor me as much as possible to get rid of me sooner." Akari laughed.

"Why, exactly, did you need Kuro to tutor you?" Mao asked. Chiyo picked up another pastry.

"Kiyoshi isn't good enough?" Chiyo said, looking at Akari for confirmation. Akari shook her head.

"Kiyoshi is really helpful, but as I thought, I need all the help I can get." Akari dropped her head in shame.

"Oh. I see." Mao then let out a very loud groan of jealousy.

"I'm still shocked that Kuro even agreed to help me." Akari said.

"You keep telling us that he doesn't like you very much." Mao said, petting Akari's cat when it lazily strolled into the room.

"Maybe he doesn't actually hate you. I don't think he would have cooked food for you and let you in his house." Chiyo said. Mao rolled onto her stomach to get closer to the cat.

"You should use this chance to become friends with him." Mao smiled. Akari plucked at her blanket for a few moments. "Wouldn't it be a fantastic turn of events if you start to like Kuro?" Mao giggled at the thought. Akari just gave a mocking smile and shook her head at the absurd thought.

"There is no way. He would kill me before the thought even crossed my mind." Akari swatted her hand and began to giggle. if she could actually fall for the ice prince.


On a typical Monday morning, Akari would have dreaded rolling out of bed and getting ready for school. However, this Monday morning was quite different. She had woken earlier than her alarm and she felt extra chipper as she walked to school.

Throughout the day, Akari really looked forward to her tutoring session with Kuro that day. This was especially true during math class when the formulas on the black board appeared like alien language to her. The only problem was...they never discussed when and where the study session would take place.

Akari looked at her phone and contemplated messaging him during their lunch break. She hesitated because he made it quite clear that he did not want her to message him. Mao and Chiyo were dragging their desks over so they could eat lunch together but Akari kept her attention on her phone.

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