Taken from the wild

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It's not easy. Being kicked and teased by your peers, bitten by their painfully tough teeth as you feel every small gnaw on your skin. You had run from many herds but you'd always be followed by some, just any of the beasts. It was so frightening and distressing being followed anywhere you went, no peace could ever find you, at least not until you had run further than before... So you did, you ran at rapid speeds, ploughing the dirt further through the damp, weak mud as you plant your trail into it. You find yourself stood beyond a small farm, panting, begging for breath as you almost stagger over the hillside looking for somewhere to go.

You notice a stallion heading your way, far, but you could still identify the human he had mounted on top holding what appeared to be rope of some sort. Instead of riding past like you'd normally see, they were headed towards you, so rapid that you startled yourself, sprinting in any direction furthest from them. You tried to flee as quick as you could but they eventually caught up, the rider hurled the rope right at you as it tightened around your neck causing you to panic as you sprinted for your life. In the end you had grew tired and achy, crashing to the ground as you pant for air, eventually the stallion caught up, rearing beside you startling you but you were too weak to react to anything in that moment.

You could hear the person speaking, but your vision blurred, your ears rang and your breath slowed, you thought it was the end so you gave in, you kept feeling them tug on your neck trying to pull you up, but you lay flat catching your breath awaiting your final thought. After about a few minutes you found yourself able to stand again as you took a breath, one leg, then two, pulling yourself up as you took a glimpse of the rider who just smiled back at you. By this time you could hear everything so clearly like it was all right in front of you, the birds, the crickets even the trees felt like it was all against your ears. With all hope lost you took a few steps towards the stallion as you inhaled his scent.

You took another glimpse of the human as she lightly tugged on both reins and rope, alerting you both to start walking. Off you went as you lost hope of all life, walking with them as you took one last look at the grassland surrounding you as the rider laughed. "You're a beauty." She said, taking quick turns to look at your coat as she patted the stallions neck. "Don't worry, you're in safe hands. I'm not going to hurt you in any way." She smiled, tugging on you as you tried to slow down. You eventually make it to the small farm you saw, there were tons of other horses along with more humans. She took you into a small land of grass with tough fencing all around as she dismounted and took you through to the inside, taking off the rope as she slowly left out of the tall metal gate watching for any sort of reactions.

You stood, you had the urge to admire your surrounding but instead all you felt were terror as you wondered what may happen now you're in her grasp. You started to walk about, smelling around for any signs of your herd, maybe she had brought them back too? No, nothing. Just unusual smells of the other horses. You decided to start walking the outside, paying attention to certain details you found interesting like the hay, water, other horses and the other fenced arenas with tall obstacles you had never seen before. Your focus was interrupted by the human, "You're very calm, that's not common in stallions, especially right when they've been abducted from their home!" She sounded shocked, but also happy, like you had made her more motivated for something, you didn't know what that was though.

You didn't want to, but you enjoyed the thought of safety and closure, the separation from the others, the distance from your herd, that's the only reason you were so calm. She eventually walked off into the barn, returning almost 10 minutes later with two objects in her hand, you didn't know what they were, but they looked very similar to what the stallion had on whilst you were being taken. "So, this is a halter." She said, holding up the first, she seemed to like talking to you, even though you didn't talk back. "And this is a lead rope." She held up the other as she squeezed through the crack of the gate as she took slow steps towards you, careful not to startle you. Well it had worked, you felt safe, even after being taken and forced to near death and drained to being fully weak not being able to move until you took a breath... 

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