genocide? nope!

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"IsRaEl ComMiTs GeNoCiDe" - said by idiots. 

but let's look at the facts here, shall we? what does genocide mean?

"Genocide is an internationally recognized crime where acts are committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group."

you read that right? INTENT. remind you of anyone? that's right... HAMAS.

hamas stated over and over and over and over and over again that they INTEND to destroy Israel, kill the jews, and force Islam to take over all religions. sounds pretty genocidal to me!

meanwhile, there are hurt and killed people in gaza, because Hamas puts them in harms way. hamas uses their OWN people to protect their terrorist bases, which sadly, planted in and under hospitals, schools, homes and nurseries. 

if you're smart, I would suggest you watch this video. 

jews are being blocked, shamed and bullied through campuses, ONLY because they are jews! and here you are complaining about THEM that they are genocidal. small logic.

speaking of a genocide, let's go back the the 30's, shall we? 

the holocaust. one of the most brutal, dark and heartbreaking fates that the jews had to suffer. 

the nazis, including Hitler, stated themselves, that they INTEND to kill every single jew. 


death camps, tortures, surgeries, gassing, burning... so many brutal ways that the Nazis showed their pure hate to jews. because they were jews.

don't try to compare it to people in gaza, now will you, sweeties? because last time we ALL checked, there was no genocide in gaza!

Israel WARNS civillians to evacuate their homes, because these places are about to be bombed. yet womp womp! look at that!

hamas kills it's own people! what a surprise (not)! 

also that, Hamas doesn't let gazans evacuate, because they WANT them to die. why? for propoganda of course! so the world will think Israel is at fault for it.

not much "freedom fighters" now are they?

gazans showed their rejects and cries against hamas. hamas has tortured them enough. not only that, sadly, hamas brainwashed them into believing dying is a blessing in Islam! where if you kill and die, you'll get sent to heaven and have 72 virgins. 

kids are being brainwahed by this as well, by watching hamas produced tv shows, that show nothing but hatred to jews. 

feeding children lies, lies and more lies. truly a disgrace. 

getting children involved in political issues, and even LIES about it, is already a serious crime. 

they teach children it's a blessing to pick up a rock and through it at a jew, to spit on them and call for their deaths. 

now tell me again... who's the genocidal one? think wisely~

I legit want to punch the SHIT out of anyone saying fr33 p4l3st1ne

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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