Wovon Sollen Wir Träumen

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"Wovon Sollen Wir Träumen" - Frida Gold

🎵 So wie wir sind / Woran können wir glauben? Wo führt das hin? Was kommt und bleibt? / So wie wir sind / Ich fühl mich leer 🎵

Dad and Alaric had taken a day trip to Cologne for a little pre-honeymoon. They had real plans to go to Paris, but they decided to do a short trip during the day since Emilia and I fly back to Canada tomorrow. The day before leaving Germany typically was a sad one, but I cannot honestly say that I'm heartbroken to be going home after this summer.

My clothes were already washed and my suitcase was already all packed up and ready to go. It sat on the floor of my new bedroom, right by the door so that all I had to do was snatch it up in my claws and rush for the front door when the time is right.

Everything so far was a big adjustment, and everything was changing so quickly. I now had a step-father and a step-brother, and everything was just different. I didn't know how to process any of it, and whenever I made an attempt, I just got a headache. Therefore, I figured that there was really nothing left for me to do but go home to Canada where at least there was an established flow.

I clearly wasn't wanted here.

And I'd be lonely again, but in Canada instead. Hooray...

Since Dad and Alaric were out, Emilia had been put in charge of watching me. We'd spent most the day sitting on the couch watching TV because Emilia claimed that she didn't feel too well after finishing that whole bottle of champagne that she and Sofia had stolen last night. She ordered a pizza, but most of it went untouched as it sat on the coffee table in front of us.

Upstairs, I could hear the loud thuds of a certain jerk whenever he moved around.

Fresh memories of Dominik's hate-tainted eyes as he called me a nobody and referred to me as sad and lonely played over and over on repeat in my brain. I couldn't help but scowl at how little he'd made me feel, and I tried everything in my power to get over it. I tried to numb my mind with senseless TV, but Dominik's heavy Jurassic Park stomping kept overpowering the volume, which Emilia kept super low because of her bad headache. I'd tried to play my Switch, but I'd left the charger upstairs in my new room, and in order to get to it, I'd have to pass by Dominik's bedroom. I just wasn't in the mood to be close to him in any sense of the word.

Was I being childish? Hell yeah, but I'm nine, so whatever.

I didn't want anything to do with Dominik. All I wanted was to go home to Canada where I wouldn't have to put up with his frowns and mean words ever again... at least until the summertime. Even then, I mean, there are tons of summer clubs that I could join as an excuse not to come back to Germany. It's not like Dad would miss me. Shoot, the dude's not even here during mine and Emilia's last night in the damn country!

Looking out the living room window, I could already see that the nearby forest was getting all dark and spooky, meaning that the sun was already beginning to set. Therefore, in less than twenty-four hours, my salty (but fine) ass will be on a plane out of this place.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I sighed heavily.

From her curled up position on the rocking chair, Emilia cocked her eyebrow at me. "What's wrong with you?" she asked, her voice all scratchy.

"Nothing," I pouted, not wanting to look like a whiney loser in front of my sister. "What's wrong with you?"

Emilia's one of the smartest people I know, and she has a real talent for reading people. "Maxie," she simply said, raising her brow in the way that meant that she didn't believe me.

"It's nothing," I said again.

She narrowed her eyes at me.

"It's nothing!"

My Possessive Werewolf Mate (Who is Also My Step-Brother...)Where stories live. Discover now