Chapter 14 - Issues

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Noah's POV -

Inside i was practically boiling over with pure fury, my fur itched at my skin and my claws pulsed within the tips of my fingers.

The imminent threat of the change loomed over me like a shadow.

But, i looked across the room at my wee Mabel and a sense of calm settled over the storm within me. Though every instinct screamed for vengeance against the red-headed man who dared to threaten her, I restrained myself, prioritizing her safety above all else.

I also needed to confer with alpha and the pack, perhaps someone would know the man.

Mabel had claimed the man knew me, she reiterated the threats he spoke however no particular man sprung to mind.

I shook my head of the thoughts for now, focusing on Mabel and her things. She was moving in with me, a decision I was resolute about.

Hours later, I found myself staring at a silent Mabel, her presence in my living room palpable yet uneasy. She seemed on edge, as if expecting the red-headed man to reappear at any moment.

Admittingly, I shared her apprehension, though my fear was solely for her safety.

I started towards Mabel, with small unsure steps, her head darted towards me, hair flicking around her shoulders with the harsh movement.

Her shoulders hunched up towards her ears and she sighed sadly, "I'm sorry I'm acting so.." she trailed off, waving her hands in the air, "Manic? Nervous? Complete fucking freaked out? Because I'm all of those things, more probably, my mind is struggling to keep up with everything that's being thrown at me lately."

She looked up at me sadly, her eyes glassy, "I'm scared Noah, i don't know what I'm doing."

I start towards her with sure steps this time, her vulnerability tugged at my heartstrings, and without hesitation, I knelt before her, enveloping her trembling form in a protective embrace.

She sunk into my embrace with a sob and wrapped her arms around my neck tightly, clinging to me as if her life depended on it. Perhaps to her it did.

I muttered soft words into her hair as i stroked my hands down her back comfortingly. I greedily inhaled her scent to comfort myself and the beast that was still writhing under the surface.

I hadn't realised that i shook in her arms until she broke the comforting silence between us, "I'm sorry, i haven't asked, are you okay? You're shaking Noah."

I grunted, an animalistic chesty sound, "I'm angry and frustrated," I harshly tugged my hand through my hair, "I wish i know who this man was, i swear Mabel, i don't know who it is. I would never do anything to ruin anyone's life."

I kept eye contact with her, hoping she could see the truth in my eyes, i was overtly concerned she would think i was a beast. She stared at me, unblinking and lifted small hands towards my face. She cupped my chin, the scruff of my beard no doubt itching at her palms, "I know you wouldn't, you're too much of a softy." She said with a small, cheeky smile.

I grinned back at her, grateful for the break in the bleak mood that surrounded us like a fog, i ducked my head further into her hands, a purr rumbling from my chest.

Mabel giggled at the noise and a small smile stretched my lips and my eyes closed on their own accord, soaking in the smell and feel of my wee mate.

Her hands slowly started to explore the plains of my face, my jaw to my nose, my closed lids and my eyebrows. My purr picked up in noise and my sweet girl giggled again.

Her hand then drifted into my hair and scratched, teasing the space behind my ears as though i was a dog. But then again i knew that if i was to change into my wolf my tail would be wagging and my leg would be thumping. I knew Mabel was trying to lighten the mood further by attempting to tease me but i was thoroughly enjoying her attention and was in no hurry to tell her to stop.

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