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Fiona's POV

"We need to do a polygraph test" I said to the captain and James. They shrugged "i don't think it's necessary. She turned herself in"

"Why though? We had no idea where she was, her sentence isn't very major and the whole thing she did before the arrest was creepy as fuck"

James nodded in agreement "she's right, sir. That was very skeptical"

"Did she get a lawyer or something?" I asked James and he nodded "a good one too"

Fuck she's getting out of the identity theft thing so easily then.


"She wants you to ask her the questions" James said making me frown my eyebrows "why?" I asked and he shrugged "she refuses to do it unless you're the one asking her. I don't what she wants dude I'm tired of arguing with her"

I sighed loudly, took the file and went to the room she was in. I saw her hooked to the device with her lawyer beside her.

She looked up at me and smiled widely "there she is. My favorite detective" I closed the door and sat down across from her.

"Should we start?" I asked as I opened the file. We prepared a series of questions that will lead to the very big one.

"Do whatever you want" she said and I nodded "can you state your real name and age please?" I asked her, looking into her eyes.

"Reese Warner, 29"

We already knew that since we got her real ID but this has to be asked for the polygraph test to see if it's working or just fucking up again.

"Did you turn yourself in?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Why did you do that?"

"Just felt a bit bored. Wanted something interesting to happen in my life"

"Do you realize that you might end up in jail for three years or more?"


"You're okay with that?"

"I don't really care that much honestly"

"Why did you steal Sarah Lee Curtis's identity?"

"Good question" she said making me clench my jaw "answer the question, Miss Warner"

"Sorry, beautiful. I stole it because I was also bored"

This is triggering my anger issues I'm not gonna lie.

"You didn't commit any crimes while using Sarah's identity?"

"Nope. Didn't even shoplift a chocolate bar"

"Have you committed a crime other than identity theft?"


"Do you consider yourself a violent person?"

Now is the time where questions get a bit more intense.

She laughed and shook her head "I'm the sweetest soul out there" she said "answer with a yes or no please"

"My fault. No, i don't consider myself a violent person"

"Have you ever had the urge to physically hurt someone?"


"Have you ever hurt someone?"

"Also no"

"Did you ever kill someone?" I was having enough of it. I just skipped a bunch of questions and jumped to that one because she is pissing me off with how calm and happy she is.

"My client will not be answering that" the lawyer said making me look over at him. Reese laughed "why not? This is fun"

Fun? Of course this crazy ass bitch thinks this shit is fun.

"I'm gonna ask the question again. Did you ever kill someone?"


"So you're not the serial killer who has been killing fucking random people for no reason?"

"Sorry to disappoint but I am not"

"You're fucking lying"

"That's why we're doing this baby" she answered me quickly as she relaxed in her chair "I'm done" I said getting up and leaving.

"What just happened?" James asked me and I shrugged "she pissed me off dude. She's so... I don't fucking know"

"I get it but don't let the captain know that you blew up like that. He might take you off the case" I nodded my head at what he said "yeah i won't"


Not a single fucking lie was told.

James placed his hand on my back as I covered my face with my hands and rested my elbows on the table.

"It's alright, Fiona. Don't beat yourself up about it"

"How can I not? I spent weeks convincing you that they're the same person and I was so sure of that James. I just feel stupid and crazy"

I'm still not convinced that it's not her.

The test could be inaccurate but there is just no way it's inaccurate in all the questions.

There wasn't even a little spike that showed her getting nervous. Everything was perfectly stable the entire time.

I looked to my side to see that she was about to walk out "oh yeah.." she turned around and came towards me "..after I get done with this thing, let me take you out on a proper date"

"You're probably going to jail" I said but she tilted her head to the side and smiled "you're cute. So you'll give me a confirmation for the date later, yeah?"

She didn't let me answer and left.

"Place more locks on your door. She's scary"


She didn't call me tonight. A bit suspicious since I caught Reese today but either way, she could've called since she's out of custody until her court date arrives.

I don't know why but I kind of miss her.

Not that I'll die without her or something but I just got used to her calling me and pissing me off.

I just kinda miss her.

Her obsession // (intersex x girl)Where stories live. Discover now