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Rohan pov

I sat alone, lost in contemplation. The day's work had concluded, and the soft glow of the setting sun cast ethereal shadows upon the walls.

My mind wandered back to events that had unfolded earlier. After a lengthy meeting, my mother had bid me farewell and returned to her residence. As I sat there in solitude, my thoughts turned to my recent engagement to Tia.

Fate had brought Tia into my life. She was the young woman who had selflessly saved my mother's life several months ago. From that day forward, a bond of friendship had developed between us. Though I had never considered marriage to be in my plans, the unexpected inheritance I had recently received from my grandfather changed everything.

According to the terms of his will, I was required to marry before the age of 31 in order to inherit the vast wealth and legacy he had built. Desperate to avoid losing all that I had worked for, I had been forced to reconsider my stance on relationships.

As I pondered my options, I realized that Tia was the perfect choice. Not only was she a kind and compassionate person, but my mother had wholeheartedly endorsed her as a suitable wife. I had always respected my mother's judgment, and I knew that she would never lead me astray.
With a heavy heart, I resolved to propose to Tia. I understood that it was not a traditional love match, but I believed that a marriage built on mutual respect and affection could thrive.
With that in mind, I arranged a meeting with Tia at a quaint café.

In the café, I noticed a hint of nervousness in Tia's demeanor. She greeted me politely, and after a brief silence, she posed a question that caught me off guard.

'Why do you want to marry me?' she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

I understood the reason behind her inquiry. In our society, Tia's brown skin and curvy figure were often met with prejudice and discrimination. But for me, her appearance was irrelevant. I had always valued people based on their character, not their physical attributes.

'There is no nothing wrong to marry you ,' I replied calmly. 'You are a beautiful and virtuous woman, and I believe our marriage would be mutually beneficial.'

A smile spread across Tia's face, and she nodded in agreement. I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I realized that my proposal had been accepted.

As I drove Tia home, a wave of guilt washed over me. I had brought her into my life without fully disclosing the complexities of my situation. I had married her out of obligation, not love, and I feared that this would create an insurmountable barrier between us.
However, as I drove Tia home that evening, a glimmer of unease settled in my heart. Her demeanor had seemed noticeably distressed. A pang of guilt gnawed at me as I realized that, in my haste to fulfill my obligations, I had perhaps overlooked her true feelings. Determined to right this perceived wrong
Later that evening, I found myself in a bookstore, selecting a bouquet of books and a note bearing a simple apology. I instructed the store to deliver it to Tia's address, hoping to mend the hurt I had inadvertently inflicted. I know Tia was an avid reader, and the thoughtful gesture seemed to have touched her.

my mother and Tia's mother had met that day and made plans for our wedding. It would be an intimate ceremony, steeped in Bengali tradition. The date was set—four short days away.

In the whirlwind of preparations that ensued, Tia and I exchanged brief messages, wishing each other good night and good morning. Aside from those cursory exchanges, we remained distant, each preoccupied with the impending change in our lives.

Today, the day of our wedding, dawns upon me. As I gaze out over the bustling city from my house window, a sense of resignation washes over me. My life is about to irrevocably transform.
The traditional Bengali ceremony, filled with music, laughter, and vibrant colors, was underway. My family and friends surrounded me, their faces beaming with joy. Yet, in the midst of this festivity, I felt strangely detached. I couldn't bring myself to fully embrace the moment, haunted by a nagging sense that I was not truly present
The day brought a whirlwind of preparations. My cousin, Diya, came to perform Gaye Holud, a traditional pre-wedding ceremony where turmeric is applied to the bride and groom. As relatives and friends gathered, sharing laughter and spreading good cheer, I couldn't shake a sense of numbness. The festive atmosphere seemed at odds with the momentous decision I had made.

In the evening, we proceeded to Tia's house for the wedding ceremony. The air was thick with anticipation as I sat waiting for Tia to make her entrance. When she finally emerged, she was radiant in a red sari. But as we exchanged garlands, I saw the same flicker of doubt in her eyes that I had seen in my own.

In that moment, as I stood on the cusp of a new chapter, I realized that I had sacrificed my true self for the sake of inheritance. I had chosen a path of convenience, ignoring my own heart's desires. And as I gazed into Tia's troubled eyes, I knew that my sacrifice would weigh heavily on us both.

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