013- Forbidden forest and searching for sophie

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Adeline knew how she had told Sophie the truth. She knew that she had told her over Severus and how he was her father and she hated it. Adeline knew how Severus had basically backed her into a corner and forced her hand. Adeline knew that she hadn't seen Sophie since and she was worried

She knew that the last thing that she wanted was for her daughter to hate her. She knew that Sophie was her world and She did want she had to do that she could protect her. She knew how Severus had treated her in the past and she knew how he had hurt her and how he treated her after sex and she knew that she didn't want Sophie to feel the way she did

She knew that she wasn't going to let Severus get away with it if he had ruined her relationship either her daughter. Adeline knew that she was trying to give Sophie space but she was worried over her and she hoped that she was okay

Adeline sat at her desk in her classroom and looked to see Severus as he walked in and glared

"Get out" she yelled as he looked to her and rolled his eyes

"No need to be like that Adeline" he said

"Oh please all of this is your fault you just couldn't keep your nose out of my business. You couldn't let me and Sophie be as happy as we were you had to stick your nose in and force my hand now I have no idea how she is coping with the idea. I don't know why you can't leave me alone" she spat

"So you told her"

"Yes I did. I would have told her my own way but here you go. You win I hope that your happy now get the hell out" she said

"Calm down Adeline" he said

"You do not get to tell me to calm down when you caused this" she yelled as she went to hit him as he grabbed her arm stopping her and looked to her

"That girl is mine. I interfered as she had a right to know and I will never leave you alone" he said as she glared at him as Draco malfoy came running in

"Mr malfoy what is the meaning for those" Severus asked

"Professors it's Sophie she is missing" Draco said as Adeline felt herself crumbled as Severus caught her. She felt sick

Adeline stood walking through the forbidden forest with Severus

"Why are you even here I can find her in my own" she said

"Do you really think I am going to let you alone in the forbidden forest at night" he asked as she rolled her eyes

"Be careful Severus it's as if you care. Besides I'm a big girl" she said

"Yeah we'll watch out there's a spider" he said as she let out a scream

"Ahh where" she said as she cast lumos on her wand as she saw Severus smirked at her

"I hate you" she said as he looked to her

"Do you really Adeline" he asked as they held a look

"Now is not the time for that conversation I need to find my soph" she said as he nodded

"I want you to know how I am sorry. I know how I treated you that night and if I knew that I got you pregnant I wouldn't have ever. I know that you want believe me but I actually care about you Adeline" he said as they held a look

Severus heard a movie as he grabbed Adeline and pushed her against a tree protecting her with his body. She placed a hand on his chest as she could feel his heart beating as he looked down at her. She cradled his cheek as they held a moment

"Severus" she said as he looked to her for a moment as they heard a scream in the distance as Adeline paled it was Sophie

Adeline rushed through to the other side of the first. She saw Sophie body passed out by the corner of the black lake as she fell down beside it "sev" she said as she called Sophie. She cradled Sophie head on her lap

"Baby it's okay it's mum. It's mummy open your eyes I'm here come on baby" she sobbed. Sophie was passed out and Adeline knew that she had been attacked by something

"Adeline" Severus said. He was angry and he felt sick he knew he hadn't been a father to her but Sophie was his daughter and someone had done this

"Come on baby open your beautiful blue eyes. Yell at me scream do something . I'm here baby" she sobbed

"Come on we need to get her out of here" Severus said as he lifted Sophie up into his arms. Adeline remained kneeling on the floor. She wanted to know who had hurt her baby

"Adeline come on I'm not leaving you here to get hurt as well. I need you to be okay" he said as he helped her up to her feet

Adeline sat next to Sophie bedside. She hadn't left all night. "Mum" Sophie said as Adeline looked up and smiled

"Hey baby are you okay" Adeline asked

"I sent remember what happened I just wanted to get away. I'm sorry" Sophie said as Adeline looked to her and smiled

"It's okay as long as you're okay it's all I care about. We are going to be okay I promise" Adeline said as she got into the bed next to Sophie as she pulled her daughter to her and smiled

She set stroking her hair as she held her close knowing that she'd do anything to keep her safe.

Severus stood outside of the hospital wing as he stood watching the two of them. He knew their was unresolved tension with him and Adeline and he knew Sophie was his and he also knew someone had attacked his daughter and he was going to do all he could to find out who it was and make them pay

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