014-Honest truths

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Adeline knew that things were a complicated mess when it came to her and Severus. She knew that she had found Sophie in the forbidden forest and she only hoped that it would be okay, she knew how things were a mess and she hated it

Adeline stood in the slytherin common room and looked to see Sophie as she walked down from her dorm and smiled "oh god what are you doing here? I told you I am fine" Sophie said as Adeline looked to her and rolled her eyes

"I am your mother I birthed and raised you, you were found out cold in the forbidden forest I am allowed to be concerned over you and everything that has happened" she said as Sophie looked to her and nodded

"I know. I am fine though mum I swear I know how things are and I know it's not easy. I know that he is my father but right now I can't see him as at. I know how he hurt you and your my mum and you risked everything for me and you did it alone. You love me and you gave me the best life and I know I'd love to be half the witch you were. You have me after how he treated you, and your brother died and you raised me on your own. Your my mum and I love you I don't blame you" Sophie said

Adeline looked to her and smiled as she pulled her daughter into a hug

"I'm glad that we are okay. I'm glad that your okay your my little girl and I just couldn't cope if anything happened to you" Adeline said as Sophie smiled

"Of course we are okay. You're my mum and I love you hon...I don't think I can have a relationship either him" Sophie said as she looked to Adeline who nodded

"I'm not going to force you to accept him or anything. He backed me into a corner over telling you I was going to do it my own way and I am sorry" Adeline said as Sophie looked to her and smiled

Adeline walked into the potion classroom as she saw Severus "I think that we need to talk" he said as she looked to him and sighed

"Can you just get off of my back for five minutes Severus. You have done nothing but breathe down my neck over things. I am not in the mood for it. Sophie is getting back on her feet and I don't need you to do this. I don't need this" she said

"Sophie is my daughter. I know how I treated you in the past. I know what I have done but I am  that girls father and I want to be her father" he said

"It's Sophie's choice and she knows all over what you did to me and what you said to me in the past. Sophie is wise before her years and she won't be fooled with the fact that your sperm made her and that girl is so stubborn of her own accord and she won't do anything that she further want too" Adeline said as she walked off

Adeline stood walking through the hallway. It was night and she couldn't sleep. She knew how everything was getting too much. She turned a corner and walked into Severus as he pointed his wand at her

"Five words of else what are you doing?" He asked

"Out for a walk...bitch" Adeline said counting on her finger

"Have you been drinking" he asked as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"I'm an adult. I can do what I want. Besides what are you going to do professor are you going to punish me" she asked as he grabbed her and pushed her at the wall

"Look at me Adeline" he said

"I am looking I see a greasy toad" she said

"With your current condition. I could easily take advantage and use you for my own pleasure" he said as he stroked her cheat

"I am not that drunk Severus. Like I'd let you touch me again after what you did besides you weren't they good" Adeline said

"Right here. Right now and you can deny how you want me" he said as she scoffed at him

"Come on Adeline I am walking you back to your dorm " he shad as she looked to him and rolled her eyes

"I didn't know that you cared so much" she said as he looked to her not saying a word

Adeline looked to see Sophie as she walked into her classroom the next door "mum are you okay?" Sophie asked as Adeline looked to her daughter and smiled

"Yeah. I know a lot has happened and how it hasn't been easy on you either and I Just want you to know I will always look after you and put you first and things with us. It's all that matters to us but I promise that in the end that things will be okay" Adeline said as Sophie smiled

Sophie knew that she was worried over Adeline. She knew Adeline always put her first and above herself and she was worried Adeline wasn't coping

Severus walked into the potion classroom and looked to Adeline. She was sitting on the floor her knees were pulled up to her chest. Severus could see that she was crying

"Ade..what happened" he said as he looked to her hand

"I'm fine" she said as he knelt down in front of her

"No your not" he said as she nodded

"No you're right I'm not okay. You what the honest truth" she asked as he nodded

"I love you Severus. I think I have loved you since the night we slept together but you don't love me. You're still in love with Lily and that fucking kills me. I hate that I love you I hate how you make me feel. But I don't deserve this so now I'm letting you go" she said as she stood up

"Adeline" he said as he grabbed her arm as they held a look


"Never mind" Severus said as she nodded as she walked off feeling nothing

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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