Chapter 6: Chapter 6: In the Hundred Mistake Only one was successful

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“Hey Siah, are you gonna act scared now?“ Alex said ready to face the zombies

I opened my eyes, the familiar scene playing out before me once more. Alex's voice echoed in my ears, but this time, something inside me snapped. I was done with this endless loop, tired of seeing my friends die over and over again.

"No more!" I shouted, a fire burning in my eyes. "I'm not going to let this happen again!"

I gripped the metal pipe tightly, my  weapon that had seen me through countless battles in this time loop. With determination coursing through my veins, I charged into the horde of zombies, jabbing the metal pipe into their eyes with all my might.

“I won't let it happen again! I won't die again! I'm fcking done! I'm fcking tired of it! Everything! JUST FCKING DIE ALREADY!!!!“ I shouted in top of my lungs as I keep jabbing the zombies in their eyes

The teacher and Alex looked at me in shock, but they quickly joined the fray, realizing that something had changed. We fought together, a united front against the undead menace.

It was a brutal and intense battle, every jab of my metal pipe fueled by the frustration of countless failed attempts. But this time, we were relentless. We pushed forward, taking down zombie after zombie, refusing to back down.

As the horde thinned, hope began to blossom in my chest. Could this be it? Could we finally break free from this never-ending nightmare?

With one final effort, we fought our way to victory. The last remaining zombies fell, and silence descended upon us. We stood there, panting and battered, but alive.

"We did it..." I murmured, disbelief and relief washing over me. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, we had won.

The teacher and Alex looked at me with gratitude and awe, their eyes reflecting the shared ordeal we had just overcome.

"We need to barricade ourselves, just in case," I said, a hint of caution still lingering in my voice. I can't let this chance be taken away from us! I fcking won't!

Together, we reinforced our defenses, creating a makeshift barricade to protect us from any potential threats. But this time, it felt different. We had broken the cycle, emerged victorious against all odds.

As we sat together, catching our breath and processing the events that had unfolded, a sense of hope flickered in our hearts. Maybe, just maybe, we could find a way to escape this nightmare for good.

As we caught our breath and tried to process the enormity of what we had just accomplished, I kept my secret close to my chest. They didn't know that I had the ability to go back in time each time I died. It was a burden I bore alone, a silent knowledge that had guided our every move throughout the countless iterations of our battle.

I glanced at Alex and the teacher, their faces reflecting a mixture of exhaustion, relief, and lingering fear. They had no idea that for me, this victory was not just the result of perseverance and luck, but of countless retries and painful deaths.

"I can't believe we made it through," Alex said, breaking the silence. "That was… something else."

The teacher nodded, her eyes still wide with the adrenaline of the fight. "I never thought I'd see something like this in my life."

I wanted to tell them, to share the truth of what had really happened, but I hesitated. How could I explain something so unbelievable? How could I make them understand the endless cycle of death and rebirth we had just experienced?

Instead, I forced a smile and nodded along with their sentiments. "Yeah, it was tough. But we made it."

Deep down, I knew that this victory was bittersweet. Yes, we had survived, but at what cost? The mental toll of reliving the same nightmare over and over again was a heavy burden to bear.

I made a silent vow to myself. I would do whatever it took to protect them, to ensure that we never had to face such horrors again. And if that meant shouldering the weight of this secret alone, then so be it.

An hour has passed, and we're done resting. The teacher call back the one who called him, meanwhile me and Alex called our families to check it they are okay.

“Hey… Mom? Where are you?“ I asked, my voice filled with a mix of relief and concern.

“Siah? SIAH! I'm glad you're alive! Are you okay? Where are toh? Are you safe?“ Her words poured out in a rush, echoing the worry that had gripped her since the chaos began

“I'm okay mom… I'm also safe… for now.“ reassured her, though the uncertainty of our situation lingered heavily in my mind. "And how about you? Where are you?"

She hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice carrying a tinge of regret “I'm in the house with your siblings, you're father is protecting us. I'm sorry… but we can't come to you…” she said with a sense of regret in her voice

“It's fine mom, I already know.“ After all, they live in the countryside while I live in the city with my aunt… though my heart ached knowing that they were separated from me by miles of danger-filled streets. Their safety was my top priority, even above my own.

"Please, stay safe, okay? I promise I'll come to you, safe and sound," I vowed, hoping to inject some assurance into her worried heart.

"But how, Siah? How will you get to us?" Her concern was palpable, and I wished I had a clear answer to ease her fears.

"I don't know yet, Mom. But don't worry about me. Focus on staying safe there. Avoid going outside at all costs," I urged, knowing that the outside world had become a deadly playground for the infected.

"Okay... please, please be safe," she said, her voice breaking slightly with emotion.

"I will, Mom. I love you," I said softly, the words carrying a weight of determination and love.

"I love you too, Siah. Please take care of yourself," she replied before we said our goodbyes and ended the call.

As I sat there, the weight of our situation pressed down on me, but so did the resolve to protect my family no matter what. It was a challenging road ahead, but knowing that my loved ones were safe for the moment gave me the strength to keep moving forward in this new, dangerous world.

The room fell into a momentary silence, the gravity of our circumstances settling over us like a heavy blanket. Alex glanced at me, his expression a mixture of exhaustion and determination.

"Siah, what do we do now?" he asked, breaking the silence.

I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "First, we need to figure out a plan. We can't stay here forever,” I said looking at the piles of dead bodies we put aside in the storage room

“However we can't risk venturing out without a plan," I replied, trying to sound as composed as possible.

The teacher finished her call and joined our conversation, her face reflecting the strain of recent events. "We should gather supplies—food, water, and anything else we might need for survival. Then, we need to find a more secure location, somewhere we can fortify and defend if needed," she suggested, her voice carrying a sense of practicality.

We both look at her, stun. Is this the teacher that was just shaking in being scared earlier? However this is good

Alex nodded in agreement. "Yeah, and we should also try to contact any other survivors. Strength in numbers, right?" he added, trying to inject a note of optimism into our discussion.

It looks like the two of them finally accept the reality, I couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope at their words. "Exactly. We're stronger together. We'll need to be smart, cautious, and always vigilant," I said, determination firming my tone.

With a plan starting to take shape, we set about gathering supplies from the room—water bottles, non-perishable food, first aid supplies, and anything else that could be useful. As we worked, our conversation turned to strategizing our next steps, each of us contributing ideas and suggestions.

Finally, we were ready to leave the room, armed with makeshift weapons and a plan for survival. The journey ahead was uncertain and perilous, but we faced it with a newfound sense of unity and purpose. Together, we stepped out into the unknown, determined to navigate this post-apocalyptic world and emerge stronger on the other side.

Time returning: Undying MC in the zombie apocalypse Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora