Chapter 13: Cherry Blossoms

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'Hopefully, tomorrow won't be as chaotic...'

You wake up and give a big yawn. Stretching your arms, you realize something.

'Wait, I can move my arms?'

You notice the lack of Eunchae in your bed.

'She must've gotten up early.'

Then you observe something else.

'Huh? Everyone else is gone too?'

It confused you a little, the girls would never get up this early. You got up and walked to the door, you were about to twist the handle until you heard the commotion outside. It sounded like they were arguing over something. You opened the door and saw them all standing around the table.

You sneakily walked over, trying not to get their attention. The cameras were already rolling so you assumed it was a mission of sorts. On the table, there was a mission card on it. You read it, it basically stated that the girls would be able to choose the order that they pair with you.

Chaewon: "I want to have him today!"

Yunjin: "No I should!"

Eunchae: "I think Oppa would want me first."

Kazuha: "Eh? How would you know that?"

Sakura: "As the eldest, I should be first!"

'But... Won't I be with them all eventually anyways?'

Chaewon: "I say we decide this with a competition!"

YuEuKaSa: "I agree!"

'Surely, it's for content... right?'

You glance over at the producers, they were confused but amused at the same time. The girls had immediately rushed over into the living room, where they had a bunch of board games and consoles to choose from. Somehow, they still hadn't noticed your presence. You deadpan to one of the cameras before following them.

They had decided to fight for your time through the game they all knew best, Gang Beasts.

'What, how'd they get all of these computers in here? I guess the company really cares about them...'

There was a big T.V. that conveniently streamed one of their screens. You thought that Sakura might have an edge being the resident gamer, but it was actually relatively even. One girl would win once, then another would win the next one. This had gone on and on until they were all tied.

It was game point, you could see the intense concentration on all of their faces. Eunchae was thrown off by Kazuha.

Eunchae: "NOOOO!!!"

She collapsed on the ground, making you sweatdrop.

'It can't be that serious can it?'

Next to fall was Yunjin, who had been killed via Sakura's bat. Now it was Chaewon, Kazuha, and Sakura left. You saw Kazuha and Sakura nod to each other, then they proceeded to double team Chaewon. Chaewon tried her hardest to live but in the end, she was bested by the two. Now it was a one vs one scenario, Kazuha had a taser and Sakura still had her bat.

For a moment, they had a little stare down, until they both ran at each other with a battle cry. Somehow, Sakura had jumped over Kazuha and bonked her on the head with the bat. Kazuha had fallen, and it was Sakura that had reigned supreme. She had popped off in triumph, while the rest of the girls wailed in despair.

'This is a bit much no?'

They finally had taken notice of you, and had straightened themselves quickly.

Lonely Driver... (LE SSERAFIM x Male Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora