Chapter Fourteen

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The stairs groaned beneath my bare feet as I descended, the cold wood sending shivers down my spine

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The stairs groaned beneath my bare feet as I descended, the cold wood sending shivers down my spine.

Light filtered through the glass windows on the ground floor, but I was left clueless about the time without a clock in sight. Living within the village walls meant relying on clocks rather than nature's cues for timekeeping.

Maybe Zeph could enlighten me on this front.

Last night had been a peaceful slumber in Zeph's embrace, his occasional snores only briefly interrupting my rest before I drifted back asleep.

Surprisingly, Eladan had some modern clothing procured from passing traders, and Zeph, returning from fetching some water this morning, delivered the clothes to our room.

Among the garments, I found a pair of pristine beige panties still encased in paper and snug black leggings. The absence of bras led me to don an oversized black shirt to conceal any telltale signs of chilliness.

It was a makeshift solution that would suffice for now.

To my astonishment, Zeph excused himself as I changed. After some time, growing restless waiting for him, hunger eventually drove me downstairs in search of him.

I shivered as a persistent chill clung to my skin, prompting me to head towards the lodge's front area, the same spot where I had dinner the previous evening.

Two massive lycans occupied small chairs that creaked under their weight, clad only in trousers.

"Good morning," I greeted them as I approached.

Kallus, with a mouthful of bread, let out a snort. "It's practically afternoon already," he teased. "In fact, it might as well be evening by now."

My cheeks flushed at the realization of how long I must have slept. "Well then, good evening," I chuckled nervously and settled across from them. "Where's Zeph?"

"Out for a run," Atel answered before Kallus could interject, offering me a kind smile. "We're here to keep an eye on you while he's away."

"Thank you," I returned the smile gratefully. My gaze wandered around the lodge in search of Eladan, my stomach audibly protesting its emptiness. Atel's bowl and plate sat empty while Kallus' contained steaming soup that teased my senses. "Where did you guys sleep last night?" I inquired, focusing on Atel in an attempt to distract myself from my hunger.

"Outside," Kallus mumbled through a mouthful of hearty soup, a few droplets escaping down his chin. Swiftly wiping it away with the back of his hand, he continued to enjoy his meal.

"In tents," Atel added when my eyes began to widen. "Eladan has set up tents behind his lodge, so we shifted and slept in our wolf forms."

Understanding dawned on me as I recalled Eladan mentioning it the previous night.

"Do you find it uncomfortable?" I inquired, picturing the idea of sleeping on the hard, cold ground sending a shiver down my spine.

Kallus grunted impatiently while Atel answered, "We're accustomed to sleeping in various places. Often without roofs or walls when we travel, so the tents suffice."

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