With You -Final-

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Mina doesn't know how she got here, one second she was at home relaxing and next she's at a random club with Lisa and her girlfriend Jisoo.

"You okay Minari?" Lisa asks with Jisoo in tow, the trio were dancing earlier but Mina felt a little tired, so she went back to their booth first.

"I think I'm drunk." Mina giggles, still drinking whatever drink was brought to her. She doesn't know where it came from, but the last few drinks have just magically been handed to her.

"Where did you get all these?" Lisa's eyes went wide, she knew Mina is a lightweight and judging by the table, she's passed her limit by a long shot, "I don't know, the bartender kept putting them on my table, with these." Mina hands Lisa the stack of receipts that have scribbled notes and numbers on them.

"Well, first let's pretend these never existed." Lisa tosses the stack into an empty glass, "Second, let's get you home."

"Hmm...l don't feel like it." Mina shakes her head, chugging the rest of whatever this blue cocktail was, "Let's go back and dance Lisa-yah." Mina was up and dragging Lisa back to the dance floor before the taller girl could comprehend what was happening, "Babe call Nay or Jeong, SOS." Lisa yells while Jisoo chuckles at the two, deciding to step out real quick to call Jeongyeon, because Nayeon might be at work.

"What did you do?!" Jeongyeon marches towards Lisa with a now passed out Mina resting on her shoulder, "Shhhh...we just got her to sleep." Lisa was quick to shush her, "We're literally at a club Lisa?! How can it be quiet?!"

"Oh." Lisa chuckles, "Right. Huh, where's Chichu?" Lisa sits up, looking around for her girlfriend.

"I'm right here." Jisoo flicks Lisa's forehead, "Now, let's get you two drunkards home." Jisoo helps Jeongyeon get Mina up before getting Lisa, "Hey why are you helping her first." Lisa drunkenly complains, clinging onto Jisoo, "Cause she's asleep remember?"

"How much did they drink?" Jeongyeon asks while they get the two inside the back of her car, "I stepped out to call you, so in that time I'm assuming a lot. Cause Lili was tipsy earlier, but not drunk. My bet is that she had to fend off all the people buying Mina a drink. She went to sit down for a bit and there were at least 5 drinks on the table. Sorry Jeong, I knew I shouldn't have left them alone."

"It's not your fault Chu, plus Mina's been needing this type of break. She's been so stressed with everything that's happened, that I'm glad that Lisa was able to get her to go out."



"I don't want to go home Chu..."

"Mina, c'mon you're both drunk please."

"I'm not drunk though."

"Yes you are Lili. And give me that." Jisoo grabs the drink from Lisa's hand, chugging it.

"Okay if my Chichu says I'm drunk, then I'm drunk." Lisa smiles dorkily, looking at Jisoo with sparkling eyes.

"Why don't you want to go home Mina?"

"It's lonely at home. She's not home anymore...I miss her."

"Mina-yah." Jisoo blinks a few times, she knows the story behind Mina and Sana, "You think she misses me Chu?"

"Yeah, I think she does."

-End Flashback-

Maybe it wasn't the smartest to leave a sleeping Mina alone while Jeongyeon helped Jisoo with a now passed out Lisa up to their place. But in Jeongyeon's defence, she thought that Mina would still be sleeping.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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