Chapter 19 - Like a hurricane

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A hurricane has hit Atlanta.
In a metaphorical sense I mean, of course.
We went from calm, days marked only by what we felt like doing to a mix of appointments, organized trips and chaotic evenings.
I like it but it's slightly destabilizing!
What happened, you ask?
Simple: the other actors of the film have arrived to complete the cast!
It all started one morning, a Monday morning to be precise.


"Josephine Langford from Perth, Australia!" Dylan smiles, holding out his hand.
I smile reflexively, looking at his outstretched hand and then at him. I shake it "Hey! That's usually my line!" I play the game "Have you researched me?"

"I'm Dylan Arnold, nice to meet you. And to answer your question: of course I've researched you. Everyone actually! I like to be prepared!" He says proudly.

"We have something in common then! I like to be prepared for everything too." I am reminded of my faithful red folder where I write down all my thoughts and ideas. The one that Hero constantly makes fun of to make me angry.
A smile comes naturally to my face.
I already like Dylan. He has an amused expression on his face and gestures a lot as he speaks. It's really funny.
"We're a match! Not surprisingly, I'll be your boyfriend!" The statement takes me by surprise for a moment, but then I connect the fact that he is Tessa's boyfriend and I understand what he means.

"They chose well then!" I smile.
He looks at me amazed for a moment and I understand that what I just said could be misunderstood.
“Since we already get along…” I hasten to add.

He continues to look at me without saying a word. Did I say something that shocked him?!?
"Did you arrive this morning too?" I clear my throat, changing the subject.
Some guys arrived this night, many came directly from the airport this morning. You can clearly see who comes from far away, seeing as they are really tired or have hours of jetlag to recover from.

"Yes, I don't live that far away. I took a plane early this morning. It was actually still night, but it was easy anyway!" Luckily he has unblocked himself again and no longer has the astonished expression he had just now.
It makes me smile that he gives me so many details and is obviously comfortable talking to me, even though he doesn't know me at all.

Suddenly we hear laughter and we both turn.
There's a boy with fairly long, dark hair who's holding his belly laughing as he talks to Hero. He pats him on the shoulder in amusement, continuing to laugh.
Hero, handsome as always, puts his hat on his head, chuckling. Who knows what they said to each other to trigger all this laughter.
It's nice to see him like this. I imagine what it might be like in London, with his friends.

"That's Samuel Larsen, 27 years old, actor and singer from Los Angeles" Dylan explains to me.
He actually researched everyone! Incredible! "He's really good! You should hear him play, he's talented!"
I nod while still looking in Hero's direction.
Since we arrived in the hotel lobby we haven't been able to say a single word to each other. I sigh thinking that our time alone is truly over. Now we will have to divide our attention with many more people. On the one hand I'm excited, on the other I'm a little sorry.
I loved having him all to myself!

"I am Shane Paul McGhie, 25 years old, actor, from Los Angeles." A very smiling boy offers me his hand. "Do we have to show up like this now? Like we're at an audition?" He chuckles looking at Dylan amused.

"Hey mate!" He greets him with a pat on the shoulder "We met at the auditions and we were on the same plane to come here!" Dylan quickly explains to me.

I nod shaking his hand "Nice to meet you, I'm Josephine Langford but you can just call me Jo."

"My pleasure, Jo. Has this madman already given you the bios of everyone in this room?" Shane rolls his eyes, mocking him.

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