Chapter 21 - Would you?

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Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,
but from the moments that take our breath away.

And if there's only one person in the world who can take my breath away, it's her: Josephine.

"I'm devastated!" Jo sighs as she throws herself onto the bed.
I watch as she takes off her shoes, throwing them to the floor with a flick of her foot, one at a time.
It's 2.00 in the morning and we have just returned to our room.
I also shot some scenes today, the last one with her and Kad.
We should have finished much sooner, but Jenny wanted to repeat some scenes several times until she shouted "Perfect!!!" and we were all able to return to our hotel rooms.
I sigh as I take off my shoes. Even my feet can't take it anymore and being barefoot on the floor is a pleasant feeling.
A big yawn surprises us both as I lean in to place a kiss on her head. I caress her face as she pulls me into a hug.
She sighs into my chest before pulling away to grab her pajamas, folded on top of the pillow.
I go back to my room to give her some privacy and finish undressing. I could fall asleep standing up at this point, like a horse.
It makes me laugh when I think of this strange and very "Jo-style" similarity. That girl is also influencing my thoughts!
From her room I hear some noises, then nothing more. Silence.
She must have fallen asleep.

“Goodnight, Jo,” I whisper, getting under the covers, even though I know she won't hear me.
My eyes burn from how tired I am and I can't help but find relief in closing them.
It was a chaotic but beautiful day at the same time. The emotion of being in front of the camera is indescribable and having to concentrate on playing the part of a person distant from me in many ways is exhausting.
Hardin is increasingly familiar to me but he has some real asshole attitudes and I struggle to relate to his character.
Luckily I have Jo supporting me and she's gorgeous as always. Next to her I really feel like I can give the best of myself.
I sigh, settling better under the sheets as flashes of today come back to my mind.
I particularly liked the scene we shot together, in the dormitory, while she was wearing only a towel.

Who knows why, huh?

I sigh trying to fall asleep.
I'm so tired that it's difficult to fully relax. As crazy as it may be, it's harder to fall asleep when you're too tired.
The silence in this room is reassuring and I try to concentrate on this.

"Hero..." Jo's voice snaps me out of my stupor and my eyes widen.
Is it her or am I already dreaming?
Then I see her, in front of me in her pink flamingo pajamas.
She's torturing her hands nervously.
"Can I sleep with you?"

What? Are we sure it's not really a dream?

"Yeah! Of course!" I don't think about it once more. I move slightly to make room for her and she climbs onto the bed, joining me under the covers.

“Are you sure this is okay with you?” She whispers.
The idea that she is here, so close to me is something indescribable.

"Hell yes!" I reassure her immediately. I've been waiting for this moment for weeks and I thought she would never ask me!
I watch her settle with her head on the pillow, placing her hands under her face.
I also lie down on my side, facing her.
The dim light of the room envelops both of them. The only source of light is the small lampshade on my bedside table.

We remain silent and listen to the sound of our breathing.
When I'm with her, it can be exciting just to be like this: in silence, in bed.
"Is there anything bothering you?" I whisper looking at her better.
She had never asked me to sleep in my room before and I remember very well that she thought I was crazy when I suggested it to her. Twice, by the way. Something definitely happened that changed her mind.
I have no idea what though.

🇬🇧 Once Upon a Time #Herophine 🇬🇧 (English version)Where stories live. Discover now