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The morning haze lingered in the dimly lit room, casting shadows across the walls. Waking up next to Akari in her underground sanctuary felt surreal, the memory of our passionate night blending with the reality of the present. We lay entwined beneath the covers, our naked bodies a testament to the intimacy we shared.

Akari slept peacefully beside me, her features softened by sleep, a faint smile gracing her lips. Despite the tranquility of the moment, a sense of unease crept over me as my phone pierced the silence with its persistent ringtone. Rick's urgent voice crackled through the receiver, cutting through the quiet of the room.

"Levian, meet me at the hideout. Now," his words hung in the air, a clear indication of the urgency of the situation.

A new mission awaited, pulling me away from the comfort of Akari's embrace. With a sigh, I reluctantly untangled myself from her warmth, steeling myself for the challenges that lay ahead.

The room was dim, the faint light barely illuminating Akari's peaceful face as she stirred from sleep. Her voice was heavy with sleepiness as she rubbed her left eye.

"Where are you off to?" she murmured, her curiosity piqued.

"Rick called," I replied, hastily pulling on my clothes.

"Why?" she asked, her interest evident.

"That's what I aim to find out. Seems like it's a new mission," I explained, my mind already racing ahead.

"Well, then, we better check it out," she decided, slipping out of bed and heading for the shower.

As the sound of running water filled the room, I struggled to fasten my pants. Akari's head popped out of the bathroom door, tempting me with an offer I couldn't refuse.

"Aren't you joining me?" she called out, a playful smirk on her lips.

"Are you sure? Rick won't be pleased if we're late," I hesitated, torn between duty and desire.

"You can't do business with a man who neglects his hygiene," she retorted with a teasing grin.

When I realized she had a point about my morning breath, I relented.

"Fine, make room in there," I acquiesced, surrendering to the inevitable.

Stepping into the shower with her, I couldn't deny the allure of her presence. And while I intended to simply freshen up, well, let's just say I got a little distracted and had a bit of fun.

An hour later, we finally met up with Rick. He wasn't thrilled that we took our time, but his focus was elsewhere.

"We've built a formidable team, and become the top scavengers in the Underground," Rick announced, his tone serious.

"Tell us something new," I replied, a hint of pride in my voice.

"Despite our success, this team must disband," he continued, his words hitting us like a punch to the gut.

Both Akari and I were stunned by Rick's announcement.

"Why?" asked Akari, her voice tinged with disbelief.

"The whole reason I put this team together was to make enough money for me and Adaliya to get out of this place, away from all the danger lurking in the Underground," Rick explained, his tone grave.

"You've actually saved up enough to move to King City?" I questioned, surprised at the magnitude of his accomplishment.

"Exactly. 3 billion APOCs sitting pretty in my bank account. I hope you both understand," Rick confirmed.

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