At What Cost?

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We looked everywhere in the house for the eye, and after a thorough search, we finally found it tucked away in a secret bunker beneath the house. The desk where it sat was covered in dust and cluttered with gadgets that seemed pretty useless.

 The desk where it sat was covered in dust and cluttered with gadgets that seemed pretty useless

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Just as Akari reached out to grab it, something weird happened. The eye, which looked like a mechanical one, popped open its eyelids and suddenly there was this massive swirling portal right behind it, like something out of a sci-fi movie. It started sucking everything around it into the vortex.

We bolted out of there as fast as we could, but the portal kept growing, slowly gobbling up the house along with everything in it. We barely made it out and watched from outside as the portal continued to expand, swallowing up more and more stuff. And right smack dab in the center of it all was the eye, chilling like nothing was wrong.

I whipped out my gun and fired at the eye, hoping to do some damage, but the bullets just curved around it like they had a mind of their own. Even when I tried a different gun that was supposed to lock onto targets, the portal's pull messed with the bullets' trajectory, rendering them useless. It was like fighting against a force of nature with pea shooters.

Panic started to creep in as I realized my usual tactics weren't going to cut it. I turned to Akari, desperate for ideas.

"Akari, I'm not sure if there's a limit to how big that portal can get, but if it keeps expanding, it could swallow up everything in its path-maybe even the whole continent, Earth, or beyond," I blurted out, trying to convey the seriousness of the situation.

Her response was surprisingly calm. "So it's endless? Well, that's just great," she deadpanned, her face betraying none of the worry I was feeling.

She took a deep breath, her voice steady despite the chaos around us. "Is there a way to stop it?" she asked, her eyes fixed on the swirling abyss.

I racked my brain for a solution. "I think it's that damn eye. If we destroy it, maybe the portal will go kaput too," I replied, hoping it was as simple as that.

"Got it," she said, determination clear in her voice.

With a calmness that baffled me, she stepped forward and drew her katana. I watched in bewilderment as she seemed unfazed by the looming danger. I couldn't quite grasp what she was planning until she glanced back at me and spoke.

"Levian, just know I love you," she said softly, a small smile playing on her lips.

My heart skipped a beat. "What?" I stammered, utterly baffled by her sudden declaration.

But before I could comprehend her words, she turned away and dashed towards the eye with a fierce determination.

"NO, Akari!" I screamed in horror as I watched her brave, reckless charge towards the eye.

Suddenly, the eye split into fifty copies, all glowing with an ominous red light. They unleashed a barrage of lasers at Akari, but she was like lightning, her katana wreathed in blue flames as she danced between the deadly beams, dodging each one with unbelievable agility.

As if that weren't enough, the eyeballs morphed, sharp spikes protruding from them like deadly blades. But Akari didn't flinch. She sliced through them with precision, each cut leaving a trail of blood, yet she pressed on as if she didn't even notice.

Finally, she faced the main eye, now shielded by a thick layer of metal. With a ferocity I'd never seen before, Akari leaped forward, her eyes ablaze with blue fire, her very hair transformed into flames. With a swift, vertical slash, she cleaved the eyeball in two.

But in that moment her victory was short-lived. As the portal began to shrink, Akari while falling into the portal said.

"I promise... I'll be back one day. Until then, take care of yourself."

And with that, she vanished into the closing portal, leaving me kneeling in disbelief.

"AKARI!" I screamed, my voice raw with anguish as tears streamed down my face. The pain of her loss was like a physical weight, crushing me with its magnitude.

To be continued.....


Sometimes some things don't last "literally"

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