40. Dance With Me

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"You fucking kidding me?!" Marjan screamed.

"Do I look like I am?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"I really can't believe the whole story you're telling right now. I head is spinning, girl." Reema groaned and threw her body on my bed.

"I know it's unbelievable but it really happened." I sighed and leaned against the headboard.

After taking lunch alone, yes alone because nobody spoke to me or looked at me except Ellerie like I was invisible, I decided to lock myself up in my room and so did I. Ellerie came to my room with his toys and played and talked to me in the whole afternoon. I was happy that he was giving me company.

Siblings are a precious gift from heaven, right?

In the evening, my two best friends Marjan and Reema literally broke into my room like crazy bitches and then we got so emotional. They demanded that they wanted to know every details when I stayed with Nicolas. Finding no escape, I told them everything that happened with me in the previous three months. I also couldn't hide that he climbed into my bedroom with a ladder and we had sex last night.

"Now, what are you going to do?" Marjan asked, chewing on one of the KitKats Nicolas left for me last night.

"I don't know. My parents are so mad at me. They even stopped looking at me." I sighed and felt my heart aching.

"Don't tell me you told them that you have feelings for Nicolas!" Marjan shook her head and looked at me in horror.

"Uh.. yeah. I told them I'm in love with Nicolas and we had sex many times and he didn't force me." I pressed my lips in a thin line and shrugged.

"You what?" They both screamed.

"Will you two stop screaming? Granny will definitely kick your bitchy asses out of this house." I rolled my eyes at them.

"We almost forgot that you've an old hag in your house." Reema giggled.

"She'll bury you alive with her words if she ever hears you calling her a hag." I laughed out so did they.

"Does he know that you're in love with him?" Marjan asked in a soft tone.

"No." I mumbled.

"Does he feel the same? I mean, have you noticed anything like that?" Reema lifted his head and asked.

"He changed a lot. He isn't the same man he used to be. He's soft when he's with me. He cares about me. When I look into his eyes, I feel like he is ready to give me the whole world any moment if I ask. But I don't know if he feels the same for me. And it fears me, what if he doesn't feel the same." I murmured sadly, looking onto my lap.

"We understand. We hope he does feel the same about you. You worth it. If he does anything stupid, just tell us. We'll kick his ass and make him fall on his knees in front of you." Reema smiled widely and gave me a soft pat on my shoulder.

"Thank you, girls. I know right?" I giggled.

"Oh, tonight Nicolas is gonna take me out." I wiggled my eyebrows at them.

"Oh my fucking ears! What did you just said? How the hell he's gonna take you out." Marjan gasped.

"Is he serious? You can't just walk out of your house like your parents would let you." Reema rolled her eyes.

"You two can stay till twelve to see how he gets me out. Now help me to get ready. He'll be here in hours." I rolled over my bed lazily and smiled widely.

Hours passed away as we talked and had dinner together. My parents and granny were still mute like forever. They seemed to determine they wouldn't talk to me for a while. Luckily they didn't ignore Marjan and Reema. They told my parents that they were going to stay with me tonight and fortunately my parents agreed.

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