03. The ability to hear.

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I really believe that our generation has lost the ability to hear people genuinely. They have lost the importance of empathy, sympathy and time for other people which is so sad because we are humans, we need companionship no matter how much we learn to be satisfied with your own company. This comes from an introvert herself who hates the word, 'socialisation'. When you are in a cocoon of thoughts and your own world most of the time, sometimes, you need a breath of fresh air of fun, adventure and most importantly- Human contact. But all I could see when I go out is- people being extremely busy or people just being with you for their own benefit or just because they are bored. Not because they care for you, they take out time especially for you out from their busy tight schedule or they just want to be there for you. That's a very disheartening reality. Because sometimes, all Humans need is to be heard and listened to.

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