Chapter 12

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Namtan Pov
"Ok. We'll go and distract the police, you deal with  the doctor." Milk runs twas the door with Love.
"Are you going to kill him?" Film ask me, her voice sounds heavy on me "I know you don't like this, but we need to do this or we will be the dead ones."
I know she's strong and she will deal with the guilt, but also think she's nothing but good so I can't let her see this. "You can stay here"
I place my hand on her shoulder before leaving but she takes my hand and pulls me back "No, wait I can do this it's ok" she says, but even if she reassures me I still won't let her come and see that. "You're a child. Stay here" I slide the knife in my pocket and walk to Ohm's room. I knock on the door but it's already open "excuse me-" As soon as I open the door someone shoots me before I can do anything and the bullet hits my leg making me fall on the ground. "Dammit!" the person in the room is not the doctor it's Khan.
The pain is too much to stand so I accidentally fall on the ground.
"Why do you seem so angry? Aren't you happy to see your daddy?" He says as he kneels close to me and points the gun at my head.
"Go to hell! You fucked us all behind our back and you still call yourself a parent?"
I yell at him but he just smiles "Didn't you know?" He loughs "You all where just a way to make money and it worked! All your hard work went in my bank account! So what?! Didn't you live a comfortable and luxurious life? Why did you go agains my damn word!?" He tries to hit me with the gun but I quickly turn my head and avoid it. He gets even angrier and grabs my hair before pointing the gun at me again.
"Actually you know what..."
He puts the gun away and picks me up, I try to resisti and punch him in the face making us both fall on the ground. As he's on the floor I crawl to the door "Film!"
I get on my knees and open the door, but then I fall down again because of the pain. She runs to me and drags me in the corridor as soon as she sees me "what happened?" She ask with a shaky voice. Nanon runs to me "I'll pick you up and take you to the car" He says and immediately gets me on his back. I hold on to him tightly trying to ignore the blood pouring from my wound. Film stops him "What about Ohm? Go get him, I'll take her out."
"Wait. You can't go in there, Khan is the one that shot me." He slowly lets me down but still supports me helping me stand "I'll go there, you guys run. Give me the knife." I hand him the weapon and he runs in the room. "Common, let's go quickly" She picks me up and starts running to the back door "How are we gonna help you? You're bleeding..." She says as she's crying. I wipe her tears while I start feeling a strange sensation, I feel like I'm about to pass out.

I open my eyes and look around. Film is next to me, while Nanon is holding Ohm. I take a better look at my brother and see he's covered in blood... his arm is bleeding. I look ahead and see that Milk is driving, and Love is sleeping next to her. Everyone is quiet and there's a heavy atmosphere. Is Khan... dead?
I feel weird, cold and my lips are dry. I turn to look at Film and notice that she's looking at me "What happened?" I try to get up but an immense pain hits the lower part of my hip, I forgot I was shot. Film places me back down "Don't move..." She holds me closer to her, I reach out to her hand and hold it tightly. A few moments later I feel her tears falling on my cheek.
This girl has gone trough too much, she's probably shocked to have a complete stranger dying in her arms... because that's what's going to happened if I don't get the bullet out soon. I feel sorry for her, she's a child and I ruined her life and now...
"Please don't leave me P' Nam..." she whispers in my ear as she whimpers.
"Huh?" she kisses the top of my head and holds me even tighter.
"Don't you know how much I care about you?"
I look up at her
"I was supposed to protect you, but you always protected me and now... now you're like this because of me."
I don't know how I feel about this, but it's not bad... I don't know how to express my feelings...
"I won't die kid. I promise."

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