Chapter 13

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Freen Pov
I hear my phone buzzing over and over again. Who's calling now? It's 7 in the morning. I decline the call but a few seconds later a message appears on my LINE from one of my bodyguards "Khan has been killed and they ran away. Should we chase after them?"
What? How is that possible?
I get out of bed slowly and quietly get out of the room, just to not wake up Becky that's sleeping peacefully in the bed next to me. I call my bodyguard.
F:"Chase them to the end of the world of you have to, and when you do find them, Kill them!"
"But Miss we have no clue where they are, and they didn't go back to Khan's house or Film's house..."
F:"Find them and kill them or I'll kill you."
"Yes Miss"
I slam the phone on the desk and immediately light up a cigarette to calm down. I can't believe this shit! How can Khan, the most powerful mafia leader in the are get killed by some stupid people!?
I feel Becky's hands around my waist and her chin in my shoulders. I hold her hands and bring her closer to me.
B:"Did something bad happen?"
She asks with a cute voice.
F:"Yeah... work stuff. Our race plan is canceled."
She suddenly gives me a kiss on the cheek, making be blush a bit.
B:"Don't worry bookie. You'll win in the end like you always do."
She kisses be softly on the lips, and I kiss her back.

Nanon Pov {Flashback at the hospital}
I immediately run in the hospital room without even thinking about the fact that he's armed much better than I am. I have to get out alive and with Ohm.
"You still have the guts to come here?!"
He says and then shoots but nothing comes out of the gun, he's out of bullets. I immediately stab him in the hand making him drop the gun, but before I can move further he hits the back of my legs with his making me fall on the ground and drop the knife. He grabs the weapon and tries to stab me with it but I grab his hands and stop him in time. "Get ready to go to sleep." He says as he pushes the knife closer and closer to my face. I feel like my hands are giving out and the blade on the weapon his touching my nose now... I use my legs and kick him in the balls and the gets off me, but manages to stab my arm. I punch him in the face and grab the knife. "You won't kill me, I'm your father." He looks at me, right in my eyes. I never thought I would do something like this, because I always had a huge respect for Khan, because of his powerful self and because he saved my life, but now... I don't believe in him anymore, not when it comes to saving Ohm. I stab him right in the neck making his blood splash on me as he dies almost immediately. I get up and run to Ohm's bed just to  see that he's peacefully sleeping because of the anesthesia. I'm just glad no one hurt him...
I gently caress his face but notice the blood in my hand... did... did I really just kill a person?
"Mhm..." I hear Ohm's voice and it's like a wave of light making me feel at ease. I run back to him. "How are you feeling?" I ask him
"Where am I? Are you ok?"
He looks at me concerned and then sees Khan dead on the floor. I immediately cover his eyes "Don't look."
His hand touches mine and gently removes it from his eyes. I can't understand the way he's looking at me, but all I know is that I don't want him to hate me now that I finally know how he was feeling all this time... now that I can understand his heart. "I know you must-"
"I'm glad you got rid of the fucker." He says proudly and all my worries drop all of the sudden. "You took a bullet for me because of him, this is the least I could do. His life for yours."
"You know why I did it, Non... it's because I lo-"
I can't take it anymore so I just kiss him and immediately turn the kiss into a deeply heated one. He kisses me back and cups my cheeks with his hands. We make out until we have to pull away to breathe. I can hear his heart and I'm pretty sure he can also hear mine.

Film Pov
We have been driving for more than four hours. Milk stopped by Khan's house to get some weapons and stuff from the infirmary to help Namtan. I'm really afraid that she won't make it... since she's lost so much blood, she's almost unconscious now. I'm trying to keep her awake "Non give me the bottle"
"You got it."
He hands me the cold water and I wet a peace of cloth before wiping her sweat gently. "I'll do it now. I cat let her suffer anymore, what if she gets an infection?"

After an hour of trying to not hurt her too much I finally took the bullet out and now she's sleeping peacefully.
"Ok, we arrived."
Milk stops the car. She took us to one of her houses in Pattaya that she bought about two years ago without Khan knowing. She bought this hose for her and Love to stay in but... I think she didn't immagine they would move in here because of this and... with us too...
We all get off the car and immediately take Ohm and Namtan to the bedrooms upstairs.

Days passed and no one came looking for us so we just stayed there. Ohm and Nanon got together and Love and Milk got back together... Namtan is feeling a lot better, Ohm too.
"It's late why are you not sleeping?" I hear Namtan's voice behind me so I look back and see her sitting on the couch as she sips a beer.
"I should ask the same thing. You're the injured one." I take the beer from her hand and place it on the table before sitting next to her "I was having that, you know." she says.
"But you won't anymore."
I put my head on her shoulder and breathe her perfume as I close my eyes. I'm just glad she's okay.
"What are you doing?" She moves her shoulders a bit to shake me off but I wrap my hands around her arm and get closer. At first I was reluctant about getting close to her and it was all because of Love but now I realized what I actually want even if I didn't think my opinion about her and the others will change so much in just two months. I know she feels the same for me, or  at least I hope she dose. We can clearly see the stars to the big doors of the balcony in the room. I place my hands next to my face blocking the view of other things making me see the sky only.
"Do this too, you can see the stars better."
"What? No it's ridiculous."
She says with a straight voice. I smile at her reaction and grab her hands, putting them close to her face "Just look" I keep my hands on hers.
"Are they beautiful?"
I ask her as I look up at the sky.
"Yes they are."
I feel her hand holding mine and I turn to look at her.
She's looking at me
"They are really beautiful."

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