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I was seconds away from claiming Aspen's mouth before the annoyance that was Sharon Carter waltzed in.

She watched me as I threw my tools on the table, the metal clattering to the floor and barely missing my bike. I didn't want to deal with her, I had made my feelings clear, but if Sharon was anything, she was persistent, so I tried to clear the anger forming in my chest as I looked at her, "How can I help you?"

Sharon didn't say anything for a long moment, and then she stepped down, approaching me. I leaned against the table, crossing my ankles over each other watching her take unsure footsteps towards me. Good, let her be nervous. She's been insufferable since Aspen got here, and I was ready for her to leave me be. But Sharon just looked at the artwork on my chest, stopping before me and looking up at me with flirty lashes and I internally groaned. "I want to continue what we were," Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard as she reached her hand out to rest on my chest.

I stepped away from her touch, turning around to push my tools to the corner of the table, and grabbed my shirt, tossing it over my shoulder. "I don't."

Sharon shuffled behind me and I sighed, running a greasy hand through my hair, "What does she have? What has made you become wrapped around her finger?" I raised an eyebrow, looking over my shoulder at her. "Ever since she's arrived, it's like you only have eyes for her, and she's got a shitty attitude Steve, she's been rude to my friends and me since she met us!"

I sighed, "Sharon, you've been a bitch to her since she stepped through the front door with bloody hands and scared shitless. And she doesn't have me wrapped around her finger, I enjoy talking to her, I enjoy being around her because I'm not a status symbol to her," I crossed my arms, seeing her shift on her feet. "I told you months ago we'd be nothing more than a hookup, it is not my fault that you expect more from me when I never promised it," Sharon was stiff when I looked her over again, "Aspen has done nothing other than treat me as a human, not as president of this club, so forgive me, Sharon, for turning my interest to someone who sees me as a man, not a symbol, now if you'll excuse me," I stepped around Sharon completely heading to the door, "I have a new employee I need to check on, enjoy your probation."

I could hear the cheers from the bar as soon as I stepped outside the garage and I smiled, hearing Bucky chant about the new waitress.

I walked into the bar, everyone's eyes on Aspen as she was lifted on Clint's shoulder, her loud laugh filling the open space. It was the most free I had seen her, and Sloane was laughing with her as she leaned against Bucky. Aspen's arms were raised above her head, AC/DC pouring out of the speakers and it made my heart soar, because she belonged here, with us. She was happy and safe, and I imagined this was probably the first time she had laughed in years. And when Aspen's eyes turned on Wanda who was singing loudly to Back in Black, Aspen sparkled, pure joy radiated off the girl as she laughed with my gang.

I slid along the back wall, careful to not draw any attention to me, and then I ascended the stairs, the sound of laughter following me until I shut my apartment door. I didn't want to interrupt her, she seemed so content, so happy, and not at all fearful. It was like she was sure she was safe here, and she was, God was she safe. And I was so glad she was discovering herself in the safety of the Archeron. So with that knowledge, I walked into the bathroom, turned the shower to the hottest setting, and got in.

When I got out, I wrapped a towel tightly around my waist, ran my hands through my wet hair, and walked into the bedroom, stopping dead in my tracks when Aspen was in front of me, leaning against the dresser wearing a pair of tight leather shorts, and a white shirt with a red bra sticking out. "Too good to say hi?"

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